To celebrate the 100th birthday of the Italian conductor, Italy’s Teatro Coccia of Novara is organizing – after a forty-year pause – the 11th edition of the competition that launched the careers of conductors like Riccardo Muti, Adam Fischer or Eliahu Inbal. The Competition comes alive in a coproduction with the Teatro Regio di Torino and a recording partnership with Warner Classics. Read More →
Shortly after apologizing for sexual harassment. the Spanish opera singer Placido Domingo has cancelled five performances in May at Madrid’s Teatro Real. This was announced by the opera house. With his decision Domingo possibly wanted to forestall a cancellation by the house. The Teatro Real declared that they had « zero tolerance for any kind of harassment and abuse ». Domingo is still scheduled to sing in several European cities.
Ein unbekanntes und unveröffentlichtes Klavierstück Ludwig van Beethovens wurde in der Wienbibliothek im Wiener Rathaus gefunden und wird heute dort von Doris Adam uraufgeführt, teilt die Wiener Urtext Edition mit. Read More →
Marin Alsop, 63, is stepping down as Music Director of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra at the end of her current contract, which expires Aug. 31, 2021, the BSO announced. Alsop, the first woman to lead a major orchestra in the U.S., will maintain the roles of Music Director Laureate and OrchKids Founder, She will continue to lead three concert weeks over the next five seasons, until 2025-2026. Read More →

Der junge Notar-Schreiber Frimouskino ist ein gewitztes Kerlchen: zuerst bringt er es fertig, dass die schöne Manoëla, Tochter des reichen Schokoladenfabrikanten Peronilla nicht, wie vom Vater geplant den alten Don Guardona heiratet sondern den jungen Alvarès. Und da er sich im Manipulieren von offiziellen Papieren so gut versteht, bescheinigt ein solches später auch noch die Heirat von Don Guardona mit Leona. Read More →

Zwei Schwergewichte aus dem Quartettschaffen von Franz Schubert hat das Fitzwilliam String Quartet zu seinem 50-jährigen Bestehen veröffentlicht. Das auf historischen Instrumenten spielende Ensemble hat sich zwei in Moll stehende Werke, das in a-Moll, bekannt als Rosamunde Quartett, ebenso vorgenommen wie das d-Moll Quartett mit dem Beinamen Der Tod und das Mädchen. Read More →
After Placido Domingo’s apologies for alleged sexual harassment, the first European country to take action is his native Spain. The Ministry of Culture and Sports issued a severe statement. Read More →
The Borletti-Buitoni Trust announces fourteen exceptional young musicians – a string quartet, two piano trios, a pianist, violinist, violist and percussionist. Awards of £30,000 and Fellowships of £20,000 are provided for the advancement of their musical careers across a wide range of projects. As always the BBT team offers advice, encouragement and practical support, as well as finance, to help them realise their long held ambitions. Read More →
Der Australier Daniel Carter, 30, wird ab der Spielzeit 2020/2021 Generalmusikdirektor im Landestheater Coburg. Er folgt auf Roland Kluttig und hat sich gegen 95 Bewerber durchgesetzt. Read More →
Facing multiple allegations of sexual harassment the Spanish singer Placido Domingo, 79, apologized for « the hurt » caused to his accusers, saying he accepted « full responsibility » for his actions. Read More →