The Brussels based Queen Elizabeth Competition has announced that the 2022 Cello Competition will take place from 9 May to 4 June, in Flagey and the Brussels Centre for Fine Arts (BOZAR). 152 cellists (aged 18 to 31) have applied. The age limit had been exceptionally raised by one year due to the postponement of the Piano Competition.
In January, the videos of the candidates were viewed behind closed doors by an international jury. 68 candidates have been selected for the first public round: 20 women and 48 men, representing 26 different nationalities. (* = multiple nationalities).
Albania 1
Klaudio Zoto
Armenia 1
Hayk Sukiasyan
Australia 1
Sam Lucas
Austria 1
Jeremias Fliedl
Belgium 1
Stéphanie Huang
Bulgaria 1*
Leland Ko*
Brasil 1
Luiz Fernando Venturelli
Canada 2 + 1*
Grace Sohn
Bryan Cheng
Edvard Pogossian*
China 1
Yibai Chen
Chinese Taiwan 1
En-Chun Lin
Estonia 1
Marcel Johannes Kits
Finland 1
Beata Antikainen
France 5 + 2*
Christoph Croisé*
Stanislas Kim*
Bumjun Kim
Jean-Baptiste Maizières
Antonin Musset
Florian Pons
Maxime Quennesson
Germany 8 + 1*
Christoph Croisé*
Elia Cohen-Weissert
Anouchka Hack
Constantin Heise
Timothy Hopkins
Stanislas Kim*
Konstanze Pietschmann
Philipp Schupelius
Simon Tetzlaff
Hungary 2
Balázs Dolfin
Ildikó Szabó
Italy 2
Luca Giovannini
Erica Piccotti
Japan 2
Hideaki Fujiwara
Keisuke Morita
Korea 9
Jakyoung Olivia Huh
Woochan Jeong
Min Ji Kim
Dongyeol Lee
YeongKwang Lee
Taeguk Mun
Ah-Yeon Nam
Ye Un Park
Sul Yoon
Netherlands 3 + 1*
Eline Hensels
Anton Spronk*
Ella van Poucke
Alexander Warenberg
Portugal 1
André Gunko
Russia 4
Ivan Sendetskiy
Ivan Skanavi
Vasily Stepanov
Maria Zaytseva
Serbia 1
Petar Pejčić
Switzerland 2 + 2*
Christoph Croisé*
Alessandra Doninelli
Samuel Niederhauser
Anton Spronk*
Turkey 1
Umut Saglam
Ukraine 1
Oleksiy Shadrin
USA 10 + 2*
Riana Anthony
James Baik
Rainer Crosett
Jonah Ellsworth
Oliver Herbert
Annie Jacobs-Perkins
Haddon Kay
James Kim
Leland Ko*
Zachary Mowitz
Edvard Pogossian*
Aaron Wolf