Robert Neumann
(c) Marco Borggreve

German pianist Robert Neumann, 23, has won Gold Award at the 7th NTD International Piano Competition at Kaufman Music Center in New York City. The International Piano Competition is part of a series of international cultural and arts events sponsored by NTD Television Network. Read More →

Concours de Genève announced the composition competition winners.  First Prize went ex aequo to Léo Albisetti (*1997, Switzerland) and Caio de Azevedo (*1993, Brazil). Léo Albisetti was also awarded the Audience Award, the Young Audience Award and the Student’s Prize.

Seventeen-year-old pianist Ryan Wang, from Vancouver, Canada, is the winner of BBC Young Musician 2024. Wang started playing piano aged four and was only five when he performed his first solo recital at Carnegie Hall. He received his Artist Diploma at the École Normale de Musique de Paris in France in May 2024, being the youngest ever to win the Prix Cortot. Read More →

Texan Amarillo Symphony has announced the renewal of Music Director George Henry Jackson’s contract for another three years. The Brit is in this position since September 2022. The orchestra just celebrated its 100th anniversary.

Kazuki Yamada
(c) Marco Borggreve

Wenn alle Musiker des Luxembourg Philharmonic ihrem Dirigenten am Schluss des Konzerts sichtbar begeistert zujubeln, dann will das etwas heißen. Und in der Tat muss man dieses Konzert in der Liste der Top-Konzerte der letzten Jahre aufnehmen, meint unser Mitarbeiter Alain Steffen. Read More →

Julian Kainrath

Die Stiftung Walther-von-der-Vogelweide-Preis würdigt den Musiker und Violinisten Julian Kainrath mit dem Jugendpreis 2024. Der im Jahre 2005 in Meran geborene Geiger erhielt im Jahre 2022 den Discovery Award der International Classical Music Awards (ICMA). Read More →

Eun Sun Kim

San Francisco Opera announced the contract extension of Music Director Eun Sun Kim, 44. With this five-year extension through the 2030–31 Season, Kim will continue to shape the musical vision of San Francisco Opera into its second century. Read More →

Am 23. Oktober soll die bundesdeutsche Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz den neuen Staatsvertragsentwurf zum öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk in der Bundesrepublik verhandeln. Dabei geht es um eine unglaubliche Reduzierung des Angebots. U.a. ist geplant, den Kultursender 3sat mittelfristig mit Arte zu fusionieren. Read More →

Die Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung verleiht die beiden Förderpreise Ensemble ’25 an das Collective lovemusic aus Frankreich und das Ensemble Tacet(i) aus Thailand. Die Auszeichnung wird 2025 zum fünften Mal an herausragende, junge Klangkörper vergeben und ist mit je 75.000 Euro dotiert. Read More →

The 45th Ambronay Festival, which this year celebrated the voice in all its forms, announces that 12,381 tickets were issued for 30 paying concerts, representing an 80% occupation rate. 825 people attended 4 school performances. In addition, there were 66 free events. Among the 529 artists welcomed were names like Philippe Jaroussky, Lea Desandre, Adèle Charvet and Paul Figuier, the Cappella Mediterranea, Spirito and Les Arts Florissants.

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