Music Director Sarah Ioannides has announced that she will end her then 12-year tenure with the Symphony Tacoma at the end of the 2025/26 season. Read More →
80 Jahre nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs wird vielerorts mit Requiem-Aufführungen an die Opfer und Zerstörungen in Europa erinnert. Aus dem 20. Jahrhundert gehört dazu neben dem War Requiem von Benjamin Britten auch das Dresdner Requiem des legendären Dresdner Kreuzkantors Rudolf Mauersberger, soeben aufgeführt im Gewandhaus Leipzig unter der Leitung von Gregor Meyer. Michael Oehme berichtet. Read More →
Am Freitag, 21. März organisieren die Chorvereinigung INECC und die Bach Vereenegung Lëtzebuerg 58 Mini-Konzerte in Kirchen und an ungewöhnlichen Orten in Luxemburg-Stadt, dem Bahnhofsviertel und Kirchberg. Neue Spielorte sind dieses Jahr das Abrigado in Bonnevoie, das Altersheim Pescatore und das Museum Dräi Eechelen. Read More →
The German pianist Schaghajegh Nosrati is another musician who has cancelled an US, announcing via Instagram that she is not able perform there under the Trump administration. Nosrati, an internationally successful concert and recording artist is assistant to Andras Schiff at the Barenboim-Said Academy in Berlin. Read More →
AH Trump has appointed two female presenters on his favorite Fox channel, Maria Bartiromo, Laura Ingraham to the Kennedy Center board Kulturkommentator Roger Friedman said » It’s clear now that Donald Trump wants to kill off the Kennedy Center. (…) They are each Trump sycophants, extremely right wing, and have no business being there. Read More →
In response to the Trump policy French cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras will be donating the proceeds from his American concerts to Ukraine . “After last week’s horrific spectacle at the White House – staged to humiliate Ukraine President Zelensky – and the U.S.’s rapid shift away from the fundamental freedoms and democratic ideals that Europe and the West have long defended, and after Christian Tetzlaff’s strong decision to cancel his upcoming US appearances, I have been considering what to do with my five US dates this year,” Queyras explained on Facebook. Read More →
According to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle, the San Francisco Symphony and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music have ‘paused’ their commn Emerging Black Composers Project, due to instructions from the AH Trumps Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights that directed schools to eliminate diversity efforts or risk losing federal funding. Read More →
We have been shown the things that go on in a brain hijacked and influenced by Trump. Richard Grenell, the Trump puppet at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, is upset that the successful musical Hamilton will not be performed in the center now occupied by Trump. The producers have objected because under Trump’s leadership the Center has lost its nonpartisan character and became partisan, i.e. Republican. Read More →
Die 1974 in Giessen geborenen deutsche Kulturmanagerin Daniela Martin wurde zur Generaldirektorin der Cité musicale-Metz ernannt. die Cité musicale-Metz betreut das Orchestre national de Metz Grand Est sowie Metz en Scènes, das die drei Veranstaltungssäle der ostfranzösischen Stadt verwaltet (Arsenal, BAM und Trinitaires) mit fast 300 Veranstaltungen pro Jahr. Read More →
When AH Trump took control of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, this action could not be seen as an isolated action. It was part of a whole submission system which has not only turned a traditionally nonpartisan institution into a stage for ideological influence but threatens the integrity and future of American arts and culture, with dangerous consequences for local communities, music education and the broader creative landscape. Read More →