Dvoraks erste Symphonie, ‘Die Glocken von Zlonice’, gehört nicht unbedingt zu den Rennern des Repertoires. Häufig findet man sie als dankbaren Füller in einer Produktion mit den weitaus populäreren letzten Symphonien. Read More →
Dvoraks erste Symphonie, ‘Die Glocken von Zlonice’, gehört nicht unbedingt zu den Rennern des Repertoires. Häufig findet man sie als dankbaren Füller in einer Produktion mit den weitaus populäreren letzten Symphonien. Read More →
Die leuchtende Sopranstimme der lettischen Sängerin Marina Rebeka eignet sich bestens für dieses ganze Rossini-Programm, das BR Klassik im Vorfeld des bevorstehenden Rossini-Jahres 2018 veröffentlicht (der Todestag des Komponisten jährt sich am 13. November 2018 zum 150. Mal). Read More →
John Axelrod, Music Director of the Royal Symphony Orchestra of Seville, announced that he and his orchestra will offer a charity concert for musicians from Houston who have suffered severe losses due to the hurricane Harvey. The concert will take place on October 10 at Casa Colón in Huelva. Read More →
Die Zukunft der Leipziger Verlage E.A. Seemann und Henschel ist gesichert: Die Verlage werden zum 1. Oktober 2017 von dem Medienunternehmer Michael Kölmel und der Kunsthistorikerin Doris Apell-Kölmel übernommen, heißt es in einer Pressemittelung. Read More →
Jessye Norman has cancelled her entire tour to South America, scheduled for October and November. Concerts were planned in cities like Lima, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo. The singer has given health problems as reason for the cancellation. According to information published by the Lima based newspaper Correo, the soprano is still recovering from a back operation performed last year.
Italian conductor Riccardo Frizza (*1971) has been appointed Music Director of the Donizetti Opera Festival in Bergamo, the Donizetti Foundation said. The appointment is effective immediately, and Frizza is currently preparing the 2018 edition of the festival. Riccardo Frizza was until now working as a guest conductor only.
Die Stadt Heidelberg will die über hundert Jahre alte Stadthalle sanieren und in eine Konzert- und Festhalle umbauen. Das beschloss der Gemeinderat. Bühne und Bestuhlung des Großen Saals sollen völlig neu zu gestaltet und die Akustik verbessert werden. Der Kostenrahmen wird mit rund 20 Millionen Euro angegeben, wovon ein Teil von Mäzenen aufgebracht werden soll.
Conductor Jean-Yves Ossocne, the former director of the Opera in Tours, France, has been charged with moral harassment, La Nouvelle République reports. Three choristers of the opera accuse the conductor of inappropriate comments, made as far back as 2005 and 2006. The procedure lasts for years already, but after a first dismissal, the file was taken over by the court of Tours, where a magistrate decided the indictment. Jean-Yves Ossonce was Music Director of the Opera in Tours from 1999 to 2016.
The annual Kersjesprijs will be awarded to the Navarra String Quartet on 2 December 2017 in the Royal Concertgebouw, Amsterdam. The prize, worth €50,000, is awarded yearly to outstanding young musicians. Sixteen-year-old Noa Wildschut will receive the violin scholarship (€15,000). The Animato Kwartet will be awarded the string quartet scholarship, also €15,000. The conductor scholarship of €10,000 goes to conductor/composer Leonard Evers. Read More →
The French city Rouen (Normandy) will host the first Eric Aubier International Trumpet Competition from 22 to 28 October. « The French School is unique and world-renowned. It is a precious heritage that must be defended and promoted, » Eric Aubier says. The aim of this new competition is to replace the former Paris based Maurice André Competition, the last edition of which was organised in 2006. Read More →