After the murder of a young El Sistema musician by the Maduro regime in Venezuela, conductor Gustavo Dudamel has finally clearly condemned the government of his native country. Dudamel, who was criticized for being a follower of the regime, has now taken his own stand. On Facebook he posted a strong message. Read More →

Nielsen hat zwar den ersten Satz seines Flötenkonzerts mit ‘Allegro moderato’ bezeichnet, und was das Tempo anbelangt, wird das in dieser Einspielung auch durchaus beachtet, aber was Ausdruck und Leidenschaftlichkeit der Musik anbelangt, bleibt nichts moderat in dieser von der ersten Minute an packenden Interpretation. Read More →

Im Jahre 1910 bestellte das ‘Théâtre de l’Odéon’ in Paris bei Maurice Ravel eine Bühnenmusik für das Theaterstück ‘Antar’ des libanesischen Schriftstellers Chekri Ganem, welches auf dieselbe tragische Liebesgeschichte zurückgeht wie Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakovs Programmsymphonie mit demselben Titel. Und anstatt etwas Eigenes zu komponieren, benutzte Ravel Stücke aus der Symphonie des Russen sowie aus dessen Oper ‘Mlada’ und bereitete aus diesen Ingredienzien und mit einigen eigenen Zutaten eine Bühnenmusik zu, die heute kaum bekannt ist. Read More →
Sad news from France: The Festival of Ile-de-France was closed down today. This decision ends a musical adventure of forty years. Read More →
Die deutsche Sopranistin Agnes Giebel ist im Alter von 95 Jahren in Köln gestorben. Das teilte ihre Tochter Kristina Kanders mit. Giebel starb nach Angaben der Familie bereits am 24. April. Read More →
Venezuelan pianist Gabriela Montero has severely attacked Dudamel’s El Sistema on her Twitter and Facebook pages: « On Monday, Eduardo Mendez (Executive Director of El Sistema) ‘Cachorro’ (Gustavo Dudamel’s right hand man), and other members of El Sistema, were photographed marching FOR Maduro’s regime. Yesterday, Armando Cañizales, a 17 year-old musician from El Sistema in Caracas, was murdered by the very same regime these people were legitimising – and have propagandised for 18 years – just a few days ago. Armando was protesting with the overwhelming majority against the barbarism that is now Venezuela’s reality. My sincere condolences to Armando’s family.
The Cité Musicale of Metz, France, and the Arts Centre of South Korea’s fifth-largest metropolis Daejeon have signed a collaboration agreement. The collaboration will essentially involve the orchestras of both cities. Also common opera productions could be considered. The National Orchestra of Lorraine will tour South Korea in 2018 while two Korean conductors are invited to conduct the ONL in the upcoming season.
Two male dancers of the Canadian Opera Company in Toronto suffered a hate crime attack after a performance, Musical Toronto reports. The attack took place after an opera performance of Louis Riel, a work about the Métis leader and founder of Manitoba composed by Harry Somers. The Musical Toronto article is talking about a homophobia-motivated hate crime.

Schuberts 1828, also nach Beethovens Tod entstandene Sonaten sind gewissermaßen ‘Sonaten der Befreiung’. Der Meister war gestorben, das Terrain gehörte nun ihm. Und er zeigt das mit einer zum Teil erstaunlichen Entschlossenheit. Zwar bleibt das Zögern ebenso wenig aus wie die Trauer, das Grübeln auch nicht, aber die herrischen Akzente sind in der Sonate D. 960 nicht zu überhören. Read More →
The New York based chamber ensemble Orchestra of St. Luke’s has announced the appointment of French Canadian conductor Bernard Labadie as its next Principal Conductor, beginning a four-year term in the 2018-19 season. This transition includes a new role at St. Luke’s for sitting principal Pablo Heras-Casado, who will be Conductor Laureate in acknowledgement of his years of leadership. Read More →