Géori (Georgette) Boué, born 16 October 1918 in Toulouse, has died yesterday, 5 January, in Paris, at the age of 98. She made her debut at the Capitole de Toulouse in 1934. In 1939 she started singing at the Opéra-Comique in Paris, as Mimi in La Bohème. She rapidly became known for her affinities with the French repertoire, Lakmé, Manon Marguerite, Juliette, but also with Italian roles like Gilda, Violetta, Desdemona, Tosca and Cio-Cio San. Read More →
British pianist Anthony Goldstone passed away 2 January at the age of 72. He was a major figure in the Divine Art Records catalogue both as a soloist and duo partner with his wife Caroline Clemmow, and in a press release the label says that he will be very sadly missed. Divine Art is currently working on Goldstone’s last solo recording which is to be released in the summer (Piano at the Ballet, Vol. 2) and also the re-release of the 7-CD set of the complete works for piano duet by Franz Schubert. Read More →
The Sydney Opera House underwent heavy criticism because of the set built up for Opera Australia’s outdoor season in October 2016, The Australian reports. Critics say, the infrastructure for those outdoor productions impacted the view visitors had on the Opera house and created a « visual disruption ». The management even was warned that the opera house therefore risked losing its UNESCOWorld Heritage status.

Im Prinzip funktionieren Valery Gergievs Interpretationen in diesem Repertoire immer, auch wenn man weiß, dass das geniale Moment der frühen Jahre heute längst einer oberflächlichen und effekthascherischen Routine gewichen ist. Read More →

Heute steht er eher am Rand des Kanons, zu seinen Lebzeiten aber waren die Aufführungen der Werke Leopold Kozeluchs solche Erfolge, dass er es sich selbst erlauben konnte, 1781 das Angebot des Salzburger Erzbischofs für die Stelle des Hoforganisten – als Nachfolger Mozarts – auszuschlagen. Read More →
Kansas City Symphony announced that, to date, the so called Masterpiece Campaign has raised nearly $52 million thanks to many generous donors. This comes close to the goal of the largest endowment campaign in the orchestra’s history. Read More →
Berkeley Symphony, Berkeley, California, announced that Music Director Joana Carneiro has withdrawn from the concert on Thursday, January 26 at Zellerbach Hall. Carneiro is pregnant and is under doctor’s advice not to conduct or travel. She will be replaced by Christian Reif. Read More →
Die Bechstein Pianofortefabrik startet eine neue Reihe im Konzerthaus Berlin: Alexej Gorlatch eröffnet am Freitag, 31. März 2017, um 20 Uhr mit einem Chopin-Recital die neue Serie der Bechstein Klavierabende. Ihm folgen am 21. April 2017 der chinesische Virtuose Haiou Zhang und am 23. Juni 2017 die koreanische Pianistin Yejin Gil. Read More →
French conductor Georges Prêtre, 92, died on Wednesday in Navès, France. He was what one could a Grand Seigneur de la Baguette. Read More →

Wird es eigentlich nicht langweilig, wenn begnadete Sänger, ob weiblich oder männlich, einer nach dem anderen neue Konzeptalben vorlegen? Das hängt sicher davon ab, wie es gemacht wird. Wurde vor nicht allzu langer Zeit an dieser Stelle eine andere Sängerin weniger gut bedacht, ist hier nun wieder höchstes Lob auszusprechen. Read More →