Luxembourgish-Belgian Duo Rosa (soprano Stephany Ortega and pianist Léna Kollmeier) launches today a CD with the title ‘Return’ published by the label Et’cetera. For Ortega, born in the Dominican Republic, this CD is a journey from Luxembourg back to her roots. Read More →

Zum 50. Jahrestag der Tragödie von Aberfan in Wales schrieb der walisische Komponist Karl Jenkins seine Kantate ‘Memoria’, die am 8. Oktober im ‘Wales Millennium Centre’ uraufgeführt wurde. Read More →

Mitsuko Uchida setzt die Reihe ihrer Mozart-Aufnahmen mit den Konzerten Nummer 17 und 25 fort. Sie sind genauso herausragend wie die anderen Klavierkonzerte, die sie mit dem Cleveland Orchestra aufgenommen hat. Read More →
After his almost three-month long pause due to vocal problems, German tenor Jonas Kaufmann was due to restart his career in Gütersloh on November 13. He cancelled the recital and he has cancelled now another one, foreseen for next week, 22 November, at the Teatro Real in Madrid.
The New York Philharmonic has awarded the $200,000 Marie-Josée Kravis Prize for New Music to the Dutch composer Louis Andriessen. The orchestra will commission a new orchestral work by Andriessen to be premiered during the 2018–2019 season, led by Jaap van Zweden in his first season as Music Director.
The Scottish independent record label Linn Records is partnering with Belgium-based Outhere Music. The collaboration is to allow both brands to explore further opportunities from a wider roster of musicians. Additionally, Outhere Music will re-launch in 2017, allowing consumers to access and explore even more high quality music from Outhere Music’s catalogue, all through a new cutting-edge download service.
In 2017, the Queen Elisabeth competition is holding for the first time in its history a competition devoted to cellists. It will take place from 8 May – 3 June 2017. Applications are now open, application deadline is fixed at 11 January 2017. Candidates must be born after 31 December 1986. Read More →
Petra Müllejans, die seit über zwei Jahrzehnten das FBO künstlerisch geleitet hat, legt diese Aufgabe zum Ende der Spielzeit 2016/17 nieder. Sie bleibt weiterhin festes Mitglied des Ensembles. Read More →

Erste Feststellung: mit 72 Minuten Musik hat die junge französische Mezzosopranistin Marianne Crebassa keine Mühe und Zeit gescheut, um dem CD-Käufer für sein Geld ein umfassendes Arien-Programm anzubieten. Read More →