The Swedish soprano Nina Stemme has been appointed Honorary Doctor by the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts at Lund University, South Sweden. In February, the versatile soprano, performing at the world’s most famous opera houses, will be Thielemann’s Brünnhilde in Wagner’s Walküre at Sächsische Staatsoper, Dresden.
Taking place in various churches of the so called Vallée de l’Alzette in Luxembourg, the concerts of the baroque and early music festival RMVA (Rencontres musicales de la Vallée de l’Alzette) present internationally renowned artists in attractive programs, like soprano Nuria Rial, Lautten Compagney & soprano Dorothee Mields or Le Poème Harmonique. For the full program click here.
The Friends of the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra (Les Amis de l’Orchestre) have launched a new website. The various sections present the organization, their activities, the orchestra and interviews with musicians. The website is in French, German and English.
Russian violinist and conductor Vladimir Spivakov who had to cancel his Violin competition in Omsk last year, relaunches it in Ufa, from 10 au 17 May 2016. Young violinists from 15 to 26 are invited to take part. The deadline for applications is March 20, 2016. The Russian-American violinist Mikhail Kopelman will lead the jury. The full panel of judges is to be announced in February 2016. Read More →

‘Antoine et Cléopâtre’ ist eine Ballettmusik, die Florent Schmitt für das von Ida Rubinstein im Juni 1920 an der Pariser Oper choreographierte gleichnamige Theaterstück von Shakespeare komponierte. Der Komponist fertigte davon zwei Orchestersuiten an, die auf dieser CD erklingen. Read More →

Christian Elsner ist ein begnadeter und subtil phrasierender Lied-Interpret. Zusammen mit dem Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin unter Marek Janowski gestaltet er diese Schubert-Bearbeitungen von Max Reger und Anton Webern auf bemerkenswerte Art und Weise. Janowski hätte vielleicht etwas filigranere Klänge aus seinem Orchester herausholen können, aber Elsner setzt sich mühelos über das Orchester hinweg, ohne, dass sein einfühlsamer Gesang darunter leidet. Read More →
Financially shaken New York City Opera which filed for bankruptcy protection in 2013 will be revived under a reorganization plan confirmed Tuesday by Judge Sean H. Lane of United States Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan. The group taking over the company, NYCO Renaissance, announced that it present Puccini’s Tosca next January at Lincoln Center. The new organisation is starting now to set up annual seasons. The general director of the new company is Michael Capasso, who ran another small company, Dicapo Opera Theatre, which closed last year.
The contract of conductor Theodore Currentzis as artistic director of the Perm Opera has not been extended. His former contract ended on January 10. According to Russian press reports, Currentzis refused to sign even the second version of the new contract over differences on guaranties, the conductor wanted see included in his contract, notably the preservation of the funding of his opera house at current levels and the decision to undertake a complete renovation of the stage.
Am heutigen Mittwoch findet in der Stiftskirche in Baden-Baden eine private Trauerfeier für den am 5. Januar im Alter von 90 Jahren verstorbenen Pierre Boulez. Anschließend ist die Beisetzung im engsten Familienkreis geplant. Boulez wohnte seit vielen Jahren in Baden-Baden. Eine offizielle Trauerfeier ist für den Donnerstag in Paris geplant.
Ab dem 13. Januar startet das ‘Theater an der Wien’ mit der Premiere der ‘Dreigroschenoper’ einen Jubiläumsreigen: Das traditionsreiche Theater wurde 2006 zum innovativen Stagione-Opernhaus. Drei Opernaufführungen stehen im Zentrum des Festprogramms. Read More →