The Paris-Based Ensemble Intercontemporain has announced that Pierre Bleuse will be the next Music Director, to start with the 2023-24 season. He will succeed Matthias Pintscher, who has held the position since 2013. Read More →
It’s José Carreras’ 75th birthday next Sunday and the Karajan Community Letter finishes the series about the singer’s productions with Karajan, focusing on Carmen. The KCL presents an interview with Carreras who interpreted the title-role in an earlier Karajan Carmen production. Read More →

Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848) komponierte seine Opera Semiseria Linda di Chamounix im Auftrag der Wiener Hofoper, wo sie im Mai 1842 uraufgeführt wurde. Das Libretto ist nicht besonders stark, aber es half Donizetti, dem habsburgischen Hof ein Werk zu besorgen, das, wie es beim Maggio Fiorentino heißt « keine politischen Implikationen hat, sondern ausschließlich auf guten Gefühlen und der Feier der Tugendhaftigkeit des Protagonisten beruht » und zudem mit einem Happy End für Gefallen sorgt. Read More →

Der Geiger Aylen Pritchin (*1987), Gewinner des Long-Thibaud-Crespin-Wettbewerbs 2014, und der Pianist und Dirigent Maxim Emelyanychev (*1988), spielen die Violinsonaten von Brahms auf historischen Instrumenten, einer Jacques Boquay-Violine von 1725 und einem Steinway von 1875. Read More →

Diese Liveaufnahmen von den Salzburger Festspielen bieten wohl nur 40 Minuten Musik, aber diese sind hochkarätig. Read More →
Der mit 25.000 Euro dotierte ‘Preis Innovation 2021’ geht an die Dortmunder Philharmoniker. Der Rundfunkchor Berlin erhält den Sonderpreis in Höhe von 5.000 Euro. Das teilte die Deutsche Orchester-Stiftung mit. Read More →
American tenor Marco Panuccio died at the age of 48, following a short illness. With his lyric tenor voice he was successful at Cincinnati Opera, Cleveland Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Florida Grand Opera, and at Venice’s La Fenice as well as at many other Italian and British opera houses.
26-year-old violinist Yukari Ohno from Japan took first prize at the Princess Astrid International Music Competition in Trondheim, Norway. Second prize was awarded to Karen Su (23, USA) while Marie Helling (16, Germany/Poland) won third prize. Read More →
The French composer Jacques Boisgallais died last week at the age of 94 in Clarens (Switzerland). He was a student of Darius Milhaud and Jean Rivier and started composing in 1949. Musicologists have noted that at that time Albert Roussel, Igor Stravinsky and Bartók inspired him more than Debussy or Ravel. Read More →
The French Orchestre des Champs is calling for witnesses after the theft of a violin from one of its musicians on Wednesday, November 24, in a TGV between Poitiers and Paris, France Bleu Poitou reported. The violinist had owned his instrument for fifteen years. Read More →