Jaeden Izik-Dzurko

Canadian pianist Jaeden Izik-Dzurko, 24, has tonight won the 21st edition of the Leeds International Piano Competition. Performing with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra under Chief Conductor Domingo Hindoyan at St George’s Hall in Bradford, Izik-Dzurko was chosen as the winner by the jury after a performance of Brahms’ Piano Concerto No. 2.

In addition to the £30,000 cash prize and the Dame Fanny Waterman Gold Medal, Izik-Dzurko also receives a career-changing prize package which includes concerto engagements with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Wigmore Hall debut and recitals across the UK, international tours with Steinway Prize Winner Concerts Network and Global Music Network, and more. Notable achievements of Izik-Dzurko include winning First Prizes at the 2022 Hilton Head International Piano Competition and the 2022 Maria Canals International Music Competition, as well as multiple accolades at the 20th Paloma O’Shea Santander International Piano Competition.

As the winner, Izik-Dzurko will perform again with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra at the Glasshouse International Centre for Music on Sunday 22 September, reprising his winning concerto.

Second Prize and the Marion Thorpe Silver Medal was awarded to Junyan Chen from China, followed by Khanh Nhi Luong from Vietnam who received Third Prize and the Lady Roslyn Lyons Bronze Medal.

Junyan Chen was also the winner of the inaugural Alexandra Dariescu Award, presented for an outstanding performance of a work by a woman composer.

Fourth Prize was awarded to Kai-Min Chang (Taiwan), and Fifth Prize to Julian Trevelyan (United Kingdom).

The Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society Award, awarded to the best communicator of contemporary music, was given to finalist Kai-Min Chang, who will now receive a commission of a brand-new work to perform at a future Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society series.

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