Three performances of Verdi’s Requiem, the first orchestral series concert of the 2024-25 San Francisco Symphony season with Music Director Esa-Pekka Salonen, have been canceled due to a strike by the members the Chorus. The Symphony said that the three performances will not be rescheduled. Read More →

The New York Philharmonic and its musicians’ union have settled on a collective bargaining agreement that includes a 30% raise over three years The deal with Local 802 of the American Federation of Musicians calls for raises of about 15% in 2024-25, and 7.5% each in 2025-26 and 2026-27. Base pay will rise to $205,000 by the deal’s final season.

The San Antonio Philharmonic has signed a two-year contract with members of the American Federation of Musicians Local 23. Executive director and CEO Roberto Trevino praised the dedication of the 120 musicians, many of whom are former members of the defunct San Antonio Symphony. Read More →

Yuja Wang
(c) Norbert Kniat

Ouvertüre-Konzert-Symphonie: eine klassische, möglicherweise sogar konventionelle Konstellation, die jedoch bei Musikliebhabern stets großen Erfolg genießt, wie der großartige Musikabend vom vergangenen 17. September 2024, im großen, vollen Saal der Luxemburger Philharmonie, bewiesen hat – eine musikalische Soiree, die mit gewaltigen und verdienten Ovationen eines auf dem Höhepunkt des Glücks angelangten Publikums endete. José Voss berichtet. Read More →

Spanish conductor José Miguel Pérez-Sierra Recently, Music Director of the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid and principal guest conductor of the season of Amigos de la Ópera de A Coruña has accapeted another job. He has been named Musical and Artistic Director of the Royal Opera Festival in Krakow.


Semyon Bychkov
(c) Petra Hajska

The Czech Philharmonic’s Chief Conductor and Music Director Semyon Bychkov has had to undergo back surgery which will require four weeks of recovery, the orchestra says. Read More →

Christian Thielemann
(c) Matthias Creutziger

Auf ihrer Europa-Tournee mit Konzerten in Grafenegg, Luzern, Amsterdam, Gent, Luxemburg (Pizzicato berichtete), Dortmund, Hamburg, Berlin, Prag und Linz machten die Wiener Philharmoniker mit Christian Thielemann auch in der Musikstadt Dresden Station. Michael Oehme berichtet. Read More →

Antonio Pappano
Photo: Musacchio & Ianniello

Das London Symphony gastierte unter seinem Chefdirigenten Antonio Pappano in der Luxemburger Philharmonie. Alain Steffen berichtet. Read More →

As the 2024-25 season begins, the singers of the San Francisco Symphony Chorus have voted to authorize a strike, potentially jeopardizing the season opening performance of Verdi’s Requiem. Read More →

Edward Gardner
Photo:B. Ealovega

The British conductor Edward Gardner, 49, has extended his contract as Principal Conductor of the London Philharmonic Orchestra for a further two years. He took the position in 2021 and is also Music Director of the Norwegian Opera and Ballet and honorary conductor of the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra.

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