Sidney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House just launched ‘Own Our House’, a unique fundraising campaign that gives people in Australia and around the world the opportunity to show their support for the Opera House by buying a virtual tile on the tallest roof sail of the Opera House, known as A2. It covers the Concert Hall and has more than 125,000 tiles. Read More →

From the 35th General Assembly of the International Music Council we reported that Paul Dujardin was elected President. The members also adopted a series of key decisions for focusing its efforts on three strategic objectives. Read More →

Das Hochschul-Musikkonservatorium von Lyon, eine der renommiertesten Musikschulen Frankreichs, musste gestern Abend infolge eines Erdrutsches oberhalb des Gebäudes evakuiert werden. Niemand wurde verletzt. Das Gebäude blieb aber auch heute teilweise gesperrt. Im betroffenen Gebäudeteil befinden sich auch zwei Konzertsäle. Die Konzerte wurden abgesagt.

Piotr Beczala
Photo: DG

Der Tenor Piotr Beczala wurde an der Mailänder Scala für seinen Alfredo in der ‘Traviata’ ausgepfiffen und ausgebuht. Er reagierte wie eine Diva, nämlich beleidigt. Er werde den gegenwärtigen Vertrag noch durchziehen und dann nie mehr in Italien und schon gar nicht an der Scala auftreten, kündigte er auf seiner Facebook-Seite an.

The ICMA Board in Paris. From the left, Remy Franck, Martin Hoffmeister, Stephen Hastings, Pierre-Jean Tribot, Michelle Debra

The Board of the International Classical Music Awards ICMA held a meeting in Paris last Saturday. The members validated the result of the votes qualifying the winners of the Awards 2014 which will be presented on 12 April 2014 in Warsaw. The Award Ceremony and the Gala Concert will be hosted by the Ludwig van Beethoven Easter Festival. The names of the winners will officially be published on 20 January 2014.



Australian Bass-Baritone Robert Allman passed away on the 4th of December, aged 86. Born in Melbourne in 1927, Allman studied in Paris. He  sang at the Royal Opera, Covent Garden for three seasons from 1955. For several years he worked principally in Germany and became a member of the Sutherland-Williamson Opera Company in 1965. Later he became a Principal Artist with Opera Australia, where he remained for the rest of his career. Read More →

According to the Milwaukee Business Journal, Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra reported a $2 million budget deficit in fiscal year 2013. In a news release, the orchestra admitted it is « in danger of running out of money and faces possible extinction if additional pledges cannot be secured to fund the MSO’s much more modest, prudent budget and business plan for the future. » Read More →

Evgenyi Kissin
Photo: EMI Classics

On Saturday Russian born Pianist Evgeny Kissin, 42, received his Israeli passport and identification card from the Minister for Immigrant Absorption, Sofa Landver. As the ‘Jerusalem Post’ reports, Kissin approached Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharansky a year ago to ask for his help in becoming an Israeli. Kissin was granted the citizenship despite the fact that he is living mainly in France and England. The ministry however recognized the fact that the pianist defends Israel at every opportunity. Read More →

Tom Krause

The Finnish Baritone Tom Krause died last Friday in Hamburg at the age of 79. After a career of more than 50 years as one of the leading international baritones of his generation, he stopped performing in 2002. In the same year he was maned head of the vocal department at the Escuela Superior de Musica, Reina Sofia, Madrid. He gave master classes all over the world.

Gestern, am Nikolaustag erhielten die 74 Mitglieder des SWR-Rundfunkrats von Freiburger Bürgern einen ofenfrischen Weckmann überreicht. Verpackt war jeder dieser Weckmänner in einer von 350.000 Bäckertüten mit dem Aufdruck ‘Fusion – kommt nicht in die Tüte“. Read More →

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