David Ph. Hefti
(c) Manu Theobald / Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung

Conductor and composer David Philip Hefti, winner of the ICMA Composer Award 2023, is Composer in Residence at this year’s Zermatt Music Festival, where he will present his new octet Des Zaubers Spuren, commissioned by the festival for the Scharoun Ensemble, among other works. The festival was founded in 2005 by the Scharoun Ensemble of the Berliner Philhamoniker and built around an orchestral and chamber music academy. Read More →

Saò Soulez Larivière
(c) Clara Evens

The European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO) has announced the names of the young artists who will be playing in the dedicated series of the internationals concert halls. Read More →

Pennsylvania-born tenor Kenneth Riegel has died at the age of 85. He made his debut at Santa Fe Opera in 1965. That same year sang at the Royal Opera House and in 1969 he made his New York City Opera debut. Read More →

(c) Alfonso Salgueiro

Trotz  des Regens am Nachmittag und der somit unsicheren Wetterlage war die Kinnekswiss im Luxemburger Stadtpark am Samstagabend gut besucht. 2.000 bis 3.000 Menschen hatten sich mit Decken, Stühlen, Picknickkörben und Getränken eingefunden, um am Open-Air-Konzert des Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg teilzunehmen. Alain Steffen berichtet. Read More →

Sir Georg Solti
Photo: Alan Warren

The Georg Solti family house on Primrose Hill in London, not far from Regent’s Park, is on sale for £16,950,000. The agency sales sheet says: « Nestled in a coveted private crescent, this remarkable property is gracefully positioned, set back from Elsworthy Road, providing an oasis of tranquillity on 0.2 acres. Read More →

Nur wenige Wochen vor dem Start der Bayreuther Festspiele am 25. Juli  hat der amerikanische Tenor Stephen Gould seine Teilnahme aus gesundheitlichen Gründen abgesagt. Der 61-Jährige habe auf dringenden ärztlichen Rat hin von seinen Auftritten Abstand nehmen müssen, teilten die Festspiele mit. Read More →

Robot EveR6
(c) National Theatre of Korea

An android robot named EveR 6, took the conductor’s podium in Seoul yesterday evening. The robot, designed by the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, made its debut at the National Theater of Korea, leading musicians in the country’s national orchestra. Read More →

Adam Johnson

After a multi-year search, the Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra has announced the selection of Adam Johnson as Music Director, effective July 1, 2023. Johnson, a native of Canada, assume the role as of today, July 1. He replaces Timothy Muffitt, longtime MD and conductor for the symphony, who retired after the 2019-2020 season. Read More →

After heavy criticism of the planned performances of Putin fan and propagandist Ildar Abdrazakov at the Bavarian State Opera, the house has now announced that the singer, who is no longer acceptable in the West, will not come to Munich. In the performances Boris Godunow on 4 on 6 July 2023, the Ukrainian Alexander Tsymbalyuk takes over the role of ‘Boris’ instead of Ildar Abdrazakov.

(c) Givry

A new music complex will open in Paris in 2025. The project is currently under construction in the 11th arrondissement, at 69 boulevard de Charonne, on the site of a former electrical transformer. Read More →

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