Un des élèves de Janos Starker, le légendaire violoncelliste décédé le 28 avril, Raphaël Pidoux (né en 1967), violoncelliste du ‘Trio Wanderer’, rend hommage à celui qui fut son maître à l’Université d’Indiana. Voici le témoignage qu’il nous a fait parvenir depuis Niigata (Japon): Read More →

One of he greatest musicians of our time, Hungaro-American cellist Janos Starker (*1924), passed away today, April 28. With his peerless technical mastery and intensely expressive playing, Starker was universally recognized and has appeared as recitalist and soloist with the most prestigious orchestras around the globe and became one of the most sought after virtuosi and teachers of our time. Read More →

Helmut Lachenmann
Photo: Astrid Karger

In its second year under the artistic direction of Heiner Goebbels, the German Festival ‘Ruhrtriennale’ (August 23–October 6, 2013) features major artists from around the world in world premieres and new productions and continues to expand its dialog with the visual arts. Over 150 events, 43 productions, including 20 premieres, as well as concerts and artist discussions transform the industrial monuments of the North-Rhine Westphalia region into unique venues for music, visual art, theater, film, dance, and performance. Read More →

Kian Soltani
Photo:Alexander Mohr

The jury of the 4th International Paulo Cello Competition has awarded the first prize to Kian Soltani, Austria. Kian Soltani was born in 1992 in Bregenz, to a Persian family of musicians and received his first cello lessons at the age of four years. He is a winner of many international competitions, including the ‘Carl Davidoff’ and the ‘Antonio Janigro’. Read More →

First Prize of the 8. International Violin Competition Leopold Mozart (Augsburg/Germany) was awarded to the 20 years old Canadian violinist Maia Cabeza. Jonian Ilia Kadesha (Greece/Albany) won Second Prize and  Thomas Reif (Germany) won Third Prize. Read More →

Ein Kassationsgericht in Istanbul hat das Urteil auf zehnmonatige Bewährungsstrafe gegen den türkischen Pianisten und Komponisten Fazil Say widerrufen. Das Tribunal in Istanbul begründete seine Entscheidung mit Verfahrensfehlern bei der niedrigeren Instanz. Der 43-jährige Say war am 15. April verurteilt worden. Das Gericht sah es als erwiesen an, dass er die « religiösen Werte eines Teils der Bevölkerung » durch einige Mitteilungen in dem Internetdienst Twitter herabgesetzt habe. Das Urteil hatte weltweit scharfe Kritik hervorgerufen.

In June, 37 years old Israeli stage director Tomer Zvulun will become the Atlanta Opera’s new general and artistic director. Read More →

Photo: Askonas Holt

British conductor and early music specialist Harry Bicket has been appointed chief conductor of Santa Fe Opera, starting in October 2013. He is the successor to Frédéric Chaslin, who resigned in August 2012 after two seasons, explaining he wanted to focus on composing and his job as music director of the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra. During the 2014 season Bicket will conduct only one opera, Beethoven’s Fidelio. Read More →

French conductor Emmanuel Joel-Hornak has been appointed new music director of Scottish Opera in Glasgow. Joel-Hornak, who has previously worked with the company as a guest conductor, will be the successor of Francesco Corti. He will join the company in August. Read More →

Photo: Jennifer-Hui-Bon-Hoa

American conductor Benjamin Shwartz has been appointed new music director of the Symphony orchestra in Wrocław, in south-western Poland. He will replace Jacek Kaspszyk, who in September takes over as music director of the National Philharmonic in Warsaw, succeeding there to Antoni Wit. Read More →

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