Anatol Ugorski, ein Pianist jüdischer Abstammung, der seit 1990 in Deutschland lebte, ist in Berlin im Alter von 80. Jahren gestorben. Nachdem im Frühjahr 1990 seine damals sechzehnjährige Tochter Dina Ugorskaja massiv von der radikalen nationalistischen und antisemitischen Pamjat-Bewegung bedroht wurde, flüchteten die Ugorskis aus Russland. Read More →
Um die deutsche Orchesterszene zu stärken « und ihr Freiräume zur Weiterentwicklung zu verschaffen », setzt Kulturstaatsministerin Roth das zunächst auf 2022 limitierte Programm ‘Exzellente Orchesterlandschaft’ erneut fort. Im Fokus der finalen Förderrunde stehen die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Diversität. Read More →
Classeek’s Ambassador program is consolidating its active support, becoming ever more diversified to support the program’s young talents. It has now found a solid base, and many musicians at the start of their careers are applying. Here you can discover the list of young musicians selected to join the Ambassador 2023/2024 program, as well as the season of their concerts broadcast online. Read More →
Die Festspielkonzerte der Sommersaison in Grafenegg (Niederösterreich) waren erneut erfolgreich und zogen so viele Besucher an wie nie zuvor. 43.000 Gäste besuchten Grafenegg von 22. Juni bis 3. September.
Composer Walter Arlen has died at the age of 103. He was born Walter Aptowitzer in Ottakring. When the Nazis came, he emigrated to the USA via Trieste. Read More →
A 14-year-old South Korean has won the Tibor Varga 2023 International Violin Competition in Sion, Switzerland. Seohyun Kim was the youngest competitor. Seohyun Kim beat Switzerland’s Raphael Nussbaumer, 17, and Japan’s Rennosuke Fukada, 23. Read More →
Serbian soprano Milka Stojanovic has died at the age of 86. Serbian media reported this, citing the National Theater in Belgrade.Milka Stojanovic was born in Belgrade on Jan. 13, 1937. Initially, she had studied literature. She then completed her vocal studies, among others, at the school of La Scala in Milan and with Zinka Milanov in New York. Read More →
After the final round of the Clara Haskil International Piano Competition in Vevey the Clara Haskil Prize awarded to Magdalene Ho (Malaysia). She is the first Malaysian artist to win this competition. She won also the Audience Award as well as the Coup de cœur de la jeune critique Prize and the Children’s Corner Prize. Malaysian pianist Magdalene Ho studied at the Purcell School in London, and at the Royal College of Music.
Der Generalmusikdirektor der Deutschen Oper Berlin, Donald Runnicles, verlässt das Haus vorzeitig. Der 68-Jährige Schotte wolle seinen bis 2027 laufenden Vertrag bereits 2026 beenden, teilte Berlins Kultursenator mit. Runnicles, der seit 2009 auf diesem Posten ist, werde aus familiären Gründen seinen Lebensmittelpunkt in die USA verlegen.
The Board of Trustees of Bühnen Bern has elected Krzysztof Urbanski, 40, a Polish national, as the new principal conductor of the Bern Symphony Orchestra. He is scheduled to take up his post in the summer of 2024. His contract is initially limited to three years, according to the statement. Read More →