Herbert Blomstedt
(c) Accentus

Ein Konzert der Sonderklasse konnten die Besucher im Wiener Konzerthaus Anfang der Woche erleben. Neben dem heimischen Orchester der Wiener Philharmoniker waren der Geiger Leonidas Kavakos und der Dirigent Herbert Blomstedt zu Gast. Uwe Krusch konnte für Pizzicato den Abend in vollen Zügen genießen. Read More →

Future view of the building's back side
(c) 2Portzamparc / Admin. des Bâtiments Publics

The Philharmonie in Luxembourg, which opened in 2005, is being expanded to include another modular hall and office space as well as artist rooms. They will be added to the back of the existing building. Read More →

Andres Orozco-Estrada

Der in Kolumbien geborene 45-jährige Andrés Orozco-Estrada wird ab 2025 Generalmusikdirektor in Köln und übernimmt dann als Nachfolger von François-Xavier Roth Gürzenich-Orchester und Oper. Read More →

Villa Senar
(c) Priska Ketterer

Just in time for the 150th birthday of the pianist, composer and conductor Sergei Rachmaninov, his Villa Senar in Hertenstein near Lucerne radiates in its original colour scheme. Exactly one year ago, the Canton of Lucerne purchased the estate, located directly on Lake Lucerne, and restored essential elements. Cultural events are to be held in the house under the management of the Serge Rachmaninov Foundation, and the villa and park will be open to visitors. Read More →

The second edition of Catch Music Festival will take place from May 4 to 6, 2023 in Luxembourg-Bonnevoie. Bringing together confirmed local musicians and young emerging talents, this initiative of the pianist Cathy Krier and the violinist Laurence Koch aims at creating an enriching, inspiring and non-hierarchical musical experience for everyone and to encourage the Luxembourg music scene. Read More →

Estonian composer Arvo Pärt (*1935) is awarded the Polar Music Prize 2023. The announcement says: “Composer Arvo Pärt has likened his music to white light. It is in the encounter with the prism of the listener’s soul that all colors become visible. Read More →

Bertrand de Billy
(c) Marco Borggreve

Zwei Komponisten boten die Wiener Symphoniker jüngst auf ihrem Programm an, die beide nicht in ihre Zeit zu gehören schienen, Camille Saint-Saëns und Erich Wolfgang Korngold. Wie diese beiden zusammen klangen, konnte Uwe Krusch für Pizzicato wahrnehmen. Read More →

English countertenor James Thomas Bowman died today at the age of 81. He was kind of a pioneer in this domain and established the countertenor voice in mainstream musical life. His career spanned opera, oratorio, contemporary music and solo recitals. Read More →

Michael Francis
(c) Marco Borggreve

Der 46-jährige Brite Michael Francis bleibt weitere fünf Jahre Chefdirigent der Deutschen Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz. Er unterzeichnete heute einen Vertrag bis 2029, teilte das Orchester mit. Read More →

Kammermusikabende im Wiener Konzerthaus scheinen gerne mal lange zu dauern. Wenn das Konzert dann herausragend war, dann beanspruchte auch Uwe Krusch für Pizzicato sein Sitzfleisch gerne. Read More →

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