Euan Shields
(c) Alex Burns

24-year-old American conductor Euan Shields has won the Siemens Hallé International Conductors Competition 2023 in Manchester. At the three-day competition, Shields came out on top among a pool of more than 200 conductors from six continents. The competition took place for the first time in 2020 and was held for the second time in March 2023. Read More →

The International Horn Society has informed that French horn player Daniel Bourgue (1937-2023) has died. Bourgue, so they say, « must surely be the last representative of the old school of French playing. » Read More →

Jordi Savall
(c) David Ignaszewski

Ob hin zur Seidenstraße, in den Orient, nach Armenien oder in den Balkan, Jordi Savall ist oft der perfekte musikalische Reisebegleiter. Am Dienstag, als er mit seinem Concerts des Nations in der Luxemburger Philharmonie gastierte, standen jedoch Werke von Jean-Férie Rebel, Georg Philip Telemann und Christoph Willibald Gluck auf dem Programm, Werke, die sich mit der Natur und den Elementen auseinandersetzen. Alain Steffen berichtet. Read More →

The Universal Music Group has acquired the now no longer independent classical label Hyperion Records, founded in 1980 by Ted Perry. Hyperion Records will remain a standalone recording label alongside the other labels of the group. Read More →

In September, the Komische Oper Berlin will open its season with Hans Werner Henze’s Das Floss der Medusa (The raft of Medusa), which will be performed in a gigantic hangar at the disused Tempelhof airport. Read More →

Die Pianistin Yuja Wang war mit dem San Francisco Symphony Orchestra zu Gast inn der Luxemburger Philharmonie. Unser Mitarbeiter Alain Steffen berichtet. Read More →

Die Bayerische Staatsoper hat ihren Chordirektor, den Italiener Stellario Fagone fristlos entlassen. Gründe für diesen Schritt wurden nicht mitgeteilt.

Klangforum Wien
(c) Tina Herzl

Das Klangforum Wien widmete sich in einem Konzert der Herstellung von Licht durch Töne. Den Bauplan hatte Chaya Czernowin mit ihrer Komposition The Fabrication of Light beigesteuert. Wie das in der europäischen Erstaufführung gelang, dazu ließ sich Uwe Krusch für Pizzicato akustisch beleuchten. Read More →

Myung-Whun Chung

The Filarmonica della Scala has named 70-year-old Myung-Whun Chung Conductor Emeritus in recognition of their 35-year partnership. Since his first performance in 1989, Myung-Whun has conducted 120 concerts at La Scala and on tour. Read More →

The International Composition Competition Artistes en Herbe Luxembourg has published the results of their 6th edition in various categories, the youngest winner being just six years old. The results are here:

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