Alexander Shelley
(c) Nürnberger Symphoniker

Artis-Naples, the premier center for the arts in Southwest Florida has announced that Alexander Shelley has been named Artistic and Music Director from the 2024-25 season. Read More →

Eine heute vom Deutschen Musikinformationszentrum (miz), einer Einrichtung des Deutschen Musikrates, veröffentlichte Studie ‘Professionelles Musizieren in Deutschland’ zeichnet insgesamt ein positives Bild der wirtschaftlichen Lage von Berufsmusizierenden. Sie offenbart aber auch fundamentale Ungleichheiten und damit Nachbesserungsbedarf insbesondere in Bezug auf die Situation von selbstständigen Musikern. Read More →

The winners of the International String Quartet Competition Bad Tölz 2023 were selected yesterday by the 7-member jury headed by Günter Pichler. Read More →

Mexican sopranos Paula Malagon and Jennifer Mariel won the First Women’s Grand Prize of the Maria Callas Competition 2023 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Among the men, no first prize was awarded; second place went to bass Raul Morales Velazco, also from Mexico. Read More →

The Italian conductor and violinist Stefano Montanari, 54, has been appointed as Music Director of the Petruzzelli Theater in Bari. He will officially begin his tenure in January 2024 and remain in office for three years. Read More →

NFM Wroclaw

ICMA and the National Forum of Music in Wroclaw, Poland, present a spectacular Award Ceremony Gala on Friday 21 April. The concert will be available for free to wider audiences by livestream on Deutsche Welle’s YouTube Channel, where the ICMA Gala 2002 at the Philharmonie in Luxembourg experiences an ongoing success with, by now, 650.000 viewers. Here is the link to the live streaming of next Friday, 21 April 2023: Read More →

Under the pressure of the musical world and the British politicians, the BBC announced that it will work with union to find alternatives to the announced cuts would have reduced jobs in the BBC in orchestras by 20%. Read More →

NFM Wroclaw

The ICMA Gala Concert taking place at the NFM National Forum of Music Wrocław on 21 April is sold out, an NFM spokesperson said. This means that the artists playing with the NFM Wrocław Philharmonic conducted by Music Director Giancarlo Guerrero will face an audience of 1800, plus the worldwide audience of the planned video live streaming and radio broadcast. Read More →

Richard Wagner

Die Firma Playmobil gibt – oft mit Kooperationspartnern zu besonderen Jubiläen – Sonderfiguren heraus. Beispiele sind Friedrich der Große, Sebastian Kneipp, Albrecht Dürer, Napoléon Bonaparte oder auch die Musiker Johann Sebastian Bach oder Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Read More →

Staatsoper Wien

Martin Schläpfer, seit 1. September 2020 Direktor und Chefchoreograf des Wiener Staatsballetts, verzichtet auf eine ihm angebotene Vertragsverlängerung. Das gab der 63-jährige Schweizer heute bei einer Versammlung des Staatsballetts bekannt. Damit ist er der Zweite aus der Chefetage der Wiener Staatsoper, der geht. Staatsoperndirektor Bogdan Roscic laufen die Zugpferde davon. Read More →

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