Mexican conductor Ludwig Carrasco was appointed as Principal Conductor and Artistic Director of the National Symphony Orchestra (OSN) of Mexico. Ludwig Carrasco is the artistic director of the Bellas Artes Chamber Orchestra as of September 2019. He will conclude his cycle at the helm of the ensemble in December of this year. Read More →

Andreas Hotz

Generalmusikdirektor Andreas Hotz will seinen im Sommer 2025 auslaufenden Vertrag am Osnabrücker Theater nicht verlängern. Er verlässt dann das Osnabrücker Symphonieorchester, das er seit 2012/13 leitet. Read More →

Fünf Orchesterstücke junger Komponisten hat die Jury der Saarbrücker Komponistenwerkstatt unter den insgesamt 34 Einreichungen zur Einstudierung und Aufführung im Rahmen des Abschlusskonzerts mit der Deutschen Radio Philharmonie am 20. Mai 2023 im Großen Sendesaal des Saarländischen Rundfunks ausgewählt. Read More →

Wie das Hessische Staatstheater mitteilte, ist Christoph Stiller – musikalischer Studienleiter, Dirigent und stellvertretender Chordirektor am Samstag im Alter von 53 Jahren verstorben, kurz vor einer Vorstellung von Humperdincks Hänsel und Gretel, deren musikalische Leitung er innegehabt hätte. Read More →

Lahav Shani
(c): Marco Borggreve

The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra (IPO) will perform in Abu Dhabi this Tuesday, marking its historic United Arab Emirates (UAE) debut.  This will be the orchestra’s first concert in an Arab state, 85 years after a tour of Egypt that took place before the founding of the State of Israel. Read More →

Belgian composer Wim Henderickx passed away at the age of 60. Born in in Lierre, he studied at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp, at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague and also at the IRCAM and in Darmstadt. He was a professor at the Antwerp and Amsterdam Conservatories. Read More →

Marcelo Lehninger

The Grand Rapids Symphony in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has announced the extensions of both its current contract with the Grand Rapids Federation of Musicians, as well as that of 43-year-old Music Director Marcelo Lehninger. Read More →

© Philharmonie Luxembourg / Eric Engel

Over a quarter of a million people have seen the live recording of the ICMA Gala Concert at the Philharmonie in Luxembourg, with winners of the International Classical Music Awards 2022 and the Luxembourg Philharmonic conducted by Adam Fischer. Among the many comments from all over the world in Deutsche Welle’s YouTube channel, a majority says that this was « a wonderful » or « an amazing concert!!! » Read More →

Das grosse Festspielhaus in Salzburg

Die österreichische UNESCO-Kommission hat das Archiv von Mitschnitten und Aufnahmen aus über 80 Jahren Salzburger Festspielgeschichte in das nationale Memory of the World-Register aufgenommen. Das teilten die Salzburger Festspiele mit. Read More →

Due to the current situation in Ukraine the Horowitz Competition will not take place in Kyiv but will instead be hosted by the World Federation of International Music Competitions in Geneva from 13-21 April 2023. Read More →

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