Der Fanny Mendelssohn Förderpreis 2023 geht an den Berliner Cellisten Philipp Schupelius. Der 19-jährige überzeugte die Jury mit seinem Projekt ‘Pau oder Fiddling While Rome Burns’. Leitschnur ist dabei das Lebenswerk und die Gedankenwelt des katalanischen Cellisten Pablo Casals, dessen 50. Todestag im Jahr 2023 begangen wird. Read More →

Die Koreanerin Hyunju Kwon hat den Deutschen Chordirigentenpreis gewonnen. Neben dem Preisgeld von 5.000 Euro erhielt die Siegerin einen Publikumspreis von 250 Euro, der in gleicher Höhe auch an Nikolaus Henseler ging. Die beiden weiteren Finalisten waren Benjamin Hartmann und Benedikt Kantert. Read More →

The soprano Mariana Nicolesco passed away at the age of 73 in a Bucharest hospital, the Romanian National Opera announced. She sang on all major international stages and in leading concert halls under the direction of conductors such as  Carlo Maria Giulini, Wolfgang Sawallisch, Riccardo Muti, Seiji Ozawa, Lorin Maazel, Colin Davis and Georges Prêtre.

The Ukrainian press has reported that Russian soldiers killed the conductor Yurii Kerpatenko because he refused to cooperate with the invaders, the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture and Information Policy said. Journalist Olena Vanina was the first to report the conductor’s murder. Read More →

The Maltese government has given the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO) the status of a public agency. The orchestra was operated until now as a private company. With this change, the government is continuing to show its commitment towards excellence in music and culture, officials say. Read More →

Composer and conductor Michael J. Shapiro, 71, will premiere his new Requiem ‘Voices’ on 10 November. Timed to coincide with the anniversary of Kristallnacht, it will take place at New York City’s Central Synagogue. The performance features Daniel Mutlu, the Senior Cantor of Central Synagogue, Ember Choral Arts and the American Modern Ensemble, conducted by Deborah Simpkin King. Read More →

Daniel Harding
(c) Philharmomie Luxembourg/Grébille

The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam will be touring Switzerland from 13 to 16 November, performing in Lugano, Berne, Zürich and Geneva under the baton of Daniel Harding. The press release says that the orchestra will be traveling by train. Read More →

Das Internationale Brucknerfest Linz 2022 (4. September bis 11. Oktober) zählte bei 33 Veranstaltungen an 11 Spielstätten 13.700 Besucher. Die Auslastung betrug 85 Prozent. Das bedeutet eine  Steigerung von 10 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr.

Courtney Lewis

British conductor Courtney Lewis, 38, has extended his contract as Music Director of the Jacksonville Symphony (Florida) through June 30, 2027. Lewis has served as the Jacksonville Symphony’s music director since 2015. This will be his third contract extension. Read More →

Bohdan Luts

First Prize and Audience Award were awarded to Ukranian violinist Bohdan Luts, 17, at the Alberto Lysy International Violin Competition inGstaad (Switzerland). Read More →

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