In Kyiv, 8 people were killed in an early morning attack on the city center. Due to this new barbaric Russian attack, the building of the Philharmonic Hall, the Khanenko and Shevchenko museums were damaged as a result of the outrageous shelling by the murder-president’s troops.

The composer, writer and musical theorist Josep Soler i Sardà died yesterday at the age of 87. Soler is the author of a catalog of more than a thousand compositions, including eight symphonies, three piano concertos, seven string quartets, several cantatas and oratorios and an abundant literature for piano and organ. He also composed sixteen operas. Read More →

Am 14. Oktober erscheint bei Naxos eine CD mit dem kanadisch-ukrainischen Trompeter Paul Merkelo. Der gesamte Erlös aus dem Verkauf dieses Albums wird direkt den Kindern in der Ukraine zugutekommen, heißt es in einer Pressemitteilung. Read More →

The artist couple Marie-Elisabeth Hecker and Martin Helmchen have been awarded the Pablo Casals Award – For A Better World, which is endowed with 10,000 euros. The prize was awarded for the first time by the Kronberg Academy during the Kronberg Festival. Read More →

Colin Jacobsen
(c) Silkroad

The American violinist, composer and arranger Colin Jacobsen has been announced as the new Artistic Director of the Santa Fe Pro Musica. Jacobsen, who has enjoyed an almost 20-year relationship with Pro Musica after first working with the orchestra back in 2003, is looking forward to his future work with the group: « The three pillars of Santa Fe Pro Musica’s season (orchestral concerts, string quartets and Baroque concerts) are areas that I’m passionate about and have engaged deeply with throughout my life. » Read More →

Cornelius Meister
(c) Matthias Bauss

Der Generalmusikdirektor der Staatsoper Stuttgart und des Staatsorchesters Stuttgart Cornelius Meister hat seinen Vertrag bis 2026 verlängert, teilte das Haus mit. Der 42-jährige deutsche Dirigent und Piasnist ist seit der Spielzeit 2018/19 GMD der Württembergischen Staatstheater. Read More →

Richard Wagner

Mit Hilfe von Geldern der deutschen Bundesregierung wird in Riga  das Projekt ‘Renaissance des Wagner-Theaters in Riga’ in die Wege geleitet. Eine Zuwendung von 5 Millionen wird zunächst für die Vorbereitung und Planung des Projekts bis zur Skizzenphase verwendet. Read More →

On 12 October in Brussels, Le Dimore del Quartetto (a creative cultural enterprise that supports young string quartets and chamber music ensembles) is scheduled to celebrate the achievements of the MUSA project (European young MUsicians soft Skills Alliance). “Musa is the concrete realization of a key career tool for this new generation of musicians taking the first steps of their careers in a transformed landscape that demands new skills” says Francesca Moncada, founder and president of Le Dimore del Quartetto. Read More →

Wu Tsai Theater at David Geffen Hall
(c) Chris Lee

The new David Geffen Hall opens its doors on Friday, October 7 with a month-long festival ‘Home’, led by the New York Philharmonic and Music Director, Jaap van Zweden. Read More →

Rolando Villazon

Der Sänger Rolando Villazon, 50, wurde für fünf weitere Jahre als Künstlerischer Leiter der Internationalen Stiftung Mozarteum bestellt. Seit 2019 verantwortet er als Intendant die Mozartwoche, im Sommer 2021 übernahm er die gesamte Künstlerische Leitung der Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg. Sein neuer Vertrag läuft bis 2028.

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