Robert Reimer

Im Anschluss an die Anton Bruckner Festtage Berlin im Berliner Dom ziehen die Veranstalter und der Künstlerische Leiter Robert Reimer jetzt eine positive Bilanz der ersten Ausgabe. Read More →

Seiji Ozawa

87-year-old Japanese conductor Seiji Ozawa is back on the podium to conduct the Saito Kinen Orchestra for the first time in four years to deliver Beethoven’s Egmont Overture live to astronaut Koichi Wakata on the International Space Station (ISS). « For the first time in history, an orchestra performance will resonate in outer space », the press release says.  The event is scheduled for December 1, 2022. Read More →

Adam Fischer bei der ICMA-Gala 2022 in Luxemburg
(c) Eric Engel

The video of the ICMA Gala Concert played by the Luxembourg Philharmonic and Orchestre Royal de l’Opéra de Versailles with many winning artists from the 2022 panel continues to be successful on the YouTube channel of Deutsche Welle. More than 150.000 people saw it by now, and the number is continuously growing. Read More →

Der Russe Konstantin Emelyanov hat den 11. Internationalen Deutschen Pianistenpreis gewonnen. Neben ihm soll laut einer Pressemitteilung die italienische Pianistin Michelle Candotti besonders imponiert haben. Sie hat angeblich die Jury « vor eine schwierige Wahl » gestellt.


Aziz Shaokakimov
(c) Mischa Blank

The Orchestre Philarmonique de Strasbourg has extended the contract of Music Director Aziz Shokhakimov for another three years. The 34-year-olde Uzbek is in this poaition since the 2021/22 season. He is also Music Director of Tekfen Philharmonic Orchestra in Turkey.


The European Union Baroque Orchestra announced the restart of EUBO operations! On initiative of ICONS Innovation Strategies, a non-profit foundation active in the development of European and cultural projects based in Lodi, some 50 kilometers south of Milan, and in agreement with founders and former managers Paul James and Emma Wilkinson, EUBO will play its relaunch concert today, 28 November, in Ravenna under the direction of Alfredo Bernardini. Read More →

Joseph Joachim

The Brahms Institute at the University of Music Lübeck has acquired eleven previously unknown letters by Joseph Joachim whicht he violinist and Brahms friend wrote between 1875 and 1888 in French to Jean-Théodore Radoux, the Belgian bassoonist and director of the conservatory in Liège. Read More →

Renaud Capuçon
(c) Simon Fowler

French violinist Renaud Capuçon has been named Artistic Director of the festival Rencontres musicales d’Evian which takes place at La Grange au Lac, a building owned by the Danone group. The hall is now closed for seven months of work and will reopen in June 2023 for its 30th anniversary. Read More →

Für das heutige Konzert des von Putins Gazprom finanzierten Orchesters MusicaAeterna im Konzerthaus  Dortmund wurden Mitglieder von MusicaAeterna suspendiert. Das berichtete der Sender BR Klassik. Read More →

Brazilian conductor Roberto Tibiriça, 68, has been appointed as Music Director of the Parana Symphony Orchestra, based at Teatro Guaíra, in Curitiba, the capital city of the southern Brazilian state of Parana. Tibiriça replaces German conductor Stefan Geiger, who held the position from 2016 to 2020. Read More →

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