The Jury of the 2nd international competition for women conductors La Maestra in Paris awarded the First Prize to Anna Sulkowska-Migon, 26, from Poland. Joanna Natalia Slusarczyk, 36, also from Poland, won Second Prize. Thrid prize went to Beatriz Fernandez Aucejo, 38, from Spain.

(c) Philharmonie Luxembourg

Wiederum in Begleitung des Ensembles il Pomo d’Oro, das unter der Leitung von Maxim Emelyanychev spielt, ließ Joyce DiDonato in der Luxemburger Philharmonie ihre enge Verbindung in dieser Saison mit ihrem Herzensprojekt Eden ausklingen. Uwe Krusch war für Pizzicato vor Ort. Read More →

CAPE Ettelbrück

Mit einem Bruch-Tchaikovsky-Programm gastierte das Saarländische Staatsorchester im CAPE in Ettelbrück. Das Orchester, das ja an sich das Opernorchester des Saarländischen Staatstheaters in Saarbrücken ist, wusste größtenteils zu überzeugen, wie unser Mitarbeiter Alain Steffen feststellte. Read More →

Thomas Sanderling

In protest against the Russian aggression on Ukraine, Thomas Sanderling has announced his resignation as Chief Conductor and Artistic Director of the Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra. Read More →

Tugan Sokhiev
Photo: Askonas Holt

Russian conductor Tugan Sokhiev has stepped down as Musical Director and Principal Conductor of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow and at the same time as Musical Director of the Capitole National Orchestra Toulouse.

Japanese conductor Yoichiro Omachi, died on Feb. 18, as it was reported now. He was 90. Omachi was born in Tokyo in 1931. After graduating from the composition department of Tokyo University of the Arts, he studied conducting at the Vienna Academy of Music, where he was inspired by conductors such as Herbert von Karajan and Karl Böhm. Read More →

Schloss Esterhazy
(c) Andreas Hafenscher

Mit einem Auftritt unter Robin Ticciati und mit Fazıl Say als Solist tritt das Chamber Orchestra of Europe (COE) am 11. März seine Rolle als neues Residenzorchester im Schloss Esterhazy in Eisenstadt an. Read More →

Lionel Bringuier
© Jonathan Grimbert-Barré

Die Luxemburger Philharmonie und das Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg organisieren gemeinsam mit dem luxemburgischen Roten Kreuz ein Benefizkonzert zugunsten der vom Konflikt in der Ukraine betroffenen Menschen. Das Konzert findet am 18. März um 20 Uhr in der Philharmonie statt. Alle Einnahmen des Abends werden dazu verwendet, die Aktion des Roten Kreuzes in diesem Kontext zu unterstützen. Read More →

Maxim Emelyanichev
(c) Serhan Bali

The Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Principal Conductor Maxim Emelyanychev are shocked and appalled by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and stand in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The SCO also stands with the people of Russia who find themselves brought unwillingly into this terrible conflict. Read More →

On the occasion of the violinist Gidon Kremer’s 75th birthday, the latest Karajan Community Letter is featuring Gidon Kremer in collaboration with Karajan, which means Brahms’ violin concerto. Eldbjørg Hemsing talks about Norwegian music. Other topics are Karajan in Paris and an evening Karjan pent in Chicago by not attending a party. Read More →

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