Philharmonie de Paris
(c) Remy Franck

The second edition of the women conductors competition La Maestra is to take place from 3 to 6 March 2022 at the Philharmonie de Paris which organizes this event together with the Paris Mozart Orchestra. In total, 202 candidates of 48 nationalities from 5 continents registered, with a quite high average age of 35. Whilst some of the 2020 candidates tried again this year, 132 women conductors applied for the first time. Read More →

Russian conductor Valery Gergiev cancelled his participation in tonight’s concert of the Vienna Philharmonic at the Wiener Konzerthaus « due to health reasons. » He is replaced by Franz Welser-Möst.

Adam Fischer
Nikolaj Lund

Dirigent Adam Fischer, Chefdirigent der Düsseldorfer Symphoniker und Gewinner des Lifetime Achievement Award 2022 der ICMA (International Classical Music Awards) zeichnet seit 2016 jedes Jahr eine Person oder Organisation aus, die sich in besonderem Maße für die Menschenrechte einsetzt. Read More →

Music Hall, Cincinnati

Cincinnati Opera announced that it has been awarded a $1.3 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The money will provide funding to commission new operas celebrating the Black American experience. Read More →

Members of the Queensland Symphony recorded a work fragment of young Australian pianist Kyan Pennell, 12, who tragically was killed in an accident on 31 January.  The piece is now online on YouTube. Read More →

The latest Karajan Community Letter focuses on the the Second Symphony by Brahms in various Karajan recordings. There is also an interview with Paavo Järvi about conducting. Read More →

Tonhalle Zürich
(c) Remy Franck

Die Schutzmaßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von COVID-19 wurden jetzt in der Schweiz weitgehend aufgehoben. Zertifikatskontrollen in den Konzert- und Opernhäusern entfallen. Auch die Maskenpflicht ist nur noch im öffentlichen Transport und in Spitälern bindend. Read More →

Israeli pianist and conductor David Greilsammer, 44, has been named Chief Conductor by the Medellín Philharmonic Orchestra (Columbia) His contact was signed for four years. Greilsammer was born in Israel in 1977. Since 2013 he served as music and artistic director of the Geneva Camerata.

Marta Gardolinska

The Auditori de Barcelona has named Polish conductor Marta Gardolinska, 34, Principal Guest Conductor of the Orquestra Simfonica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya for the next two seasons starting in September. Read More →

Peter Oundjian
(c) Sian Richards

The Colorado Symphony has appointed Canadian-American violinist and conductor Peter Oundjian, 66, as Principal Conductor. With a career spanning five decades, Oundjian began as a solo violinist, and first violinist of the Tokyo String Quartet, followed by an international conducting career leading orchestras in virtually every major musical center in the world. Read More →

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