Coast-Salish mezzo Rose-Ellen Nichols died of cancer past Sunday at the age of 41. Based in Vancouver, she was a regular performer there, yet was also pivotal to productions across Canada and beyond, notably in Ireland, Czech Republic and Germany. She was a rare representative of an Indigenous voice in opera.

Der 2018 rechtskräftig verurteilte Musiker Siegfried Mauser hat, wie berichtet, seine Haftstrafe in der Justizvollzugsanstalt Hallein immer noch nicht angetreten. Einem Bericht der österreichischen Kronenzeitung zufolge hat die Familie ihn davon abgehalten. Read More →

Italian conductor Piero Gamba (born 16 September 1936 in Rome) passed away last Sunday in New York, his family announced. Gamba won the Arnold Bax Memorial Medal in 1962. He was, among others, Music Director of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra from 1971 till 1980. Read More →

Einer Meldung von BR 24 zufolge ist der bereits 2018 wegen dreifacher sexueller Nötigung zu einem Freiheitsentzug von zwei Jahren und neun Monaten verurteilte Siegfried Mauser, ehemaliger Rektor der Münchner Musikhochschule und des Salzburger Mozarteums, gestern nicht, wie erforderlich, in der Strafanstalt Puch-Urstein bei Hallein erschienen, um seine Haftstrafe endlich anzutreten. Read More →

Daniela Candillari

Opera Theatre of Saint Louis has announced that conductor Daniela Candillari has been named the company’s first Principal Conductor in a new three-year appointment. Read More →

Fabio Luisi

DR Koncerthuset in Copenhagen, organizer of he Malko Competition for Young Conductors, has announced a new initiative, i.e. a two-year educational program for conductors from the whole of Europe, offering masterclasses with a.o. Fabio Luisi, Chief Conductor of the Danish National Symphony Orchestra. Read More →

Marie Jacquot
(c) Werner Kmetitsch

31-year-old French conductor Marie Jacquot has been appointed as Chief Conductor at the Royal Theater in Copenhagen. Her contract is signed for five years from 2024. Read More →

Der Komponist und Hochschullehrer Heinz Werner Zimmermann ist am 25. Januar im Alter von 91 Jahren verstorben. Er hat kaum etwas anderes komponiert als geistliche Musik, vor allem für Chor und Solisten. Als einer der Ersten verband er klassische Kirchenmusik mit Elementen von Jazz und Gospel. Als Hochschullehrer war er in Heidelberg, Berlin und Frankfurt tätig.

Edward Gardner
Photo:B. Ealovega

English conductor Edward Gardner, 47, has been appointed Music Director of the Norwegian Opera & Ballet. He will assume the position of Artistic Advisor from 1 February 2022 before beginning his tenure as Music Director on 1 August 2024. Read More →

The St. Petersburg Philharmonic has a new Chief Conductor: Yuri Temirkanov was replaced by Nikolai Alekseev, 65, the Philharmonic’s Deputy Artistic Director and conductor of the orchestra since 2000. Temirkanov remains Artistic Director of the Philharmonic Society, a position he holds since 1988.

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