An appeal has been published by courageous musicians and cultural managers asking to end the war. The text is signed, among others, by Vladimir Urin, General Director of Moscow’s’ Bolshoi Theatre, violinist and conductor Vladimir Spivakov and Valery Fokin, Artistic Director of the Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg. Read More →
Today the Philharmonie de Paris announced that all of Valery Gergiev’s upcoming dates have been cancelled. Gergiev was scheduled to conduct the complete Tchaikovsky symphonies with the Orchestre de Paris and the Mariinsky Orchestra in April and to return with the Münchner Philharmoniker in May.
Das Verbier Festival in der Schweiz hat heute als Folge des russischen Einmarschs in die Ukraine eine erste Reihe von Maßnahmen angekündigt. Martin T:son Engstroem, Gründer und Direktor des Verbier Festivals, teilte mit, das Verbier Festival verurteile « die grausame Aggression Russlands gegen die Ukraine aufs Schärfste. Mit Trauer und Entsetzen verfolgen wir die Übergriffe, die das russische Regime dem ukrainischen Volk auferlegt. Wir beten für sie und ihren Mut, sich dem Aggressor zu widersetzen. » Read More →
The International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) today made the following announcement: « With the deepest concern over the war initiated by the Russian Federation against Ukraine and considering the fact that ICMA Jury member Radio Orpheus, Moscow, is a broadcaster operated and owned by the Russian State and no longer a member of the European Broadcasting Union, the Jury of the International Classical Music Awards has suspended the membership of Radio Orpheus. Read More →
Lucerne Festival hat beschlossen, die für 21. und 22. August geplanten Konzerte des Mariinsky Orchestra und Valery Gergiev abzusagen. «Angesichts der völkerrechtswidrigen Kriegshandlungen Russlands setzen wir ein klares Zeichen der Solidarität für die Menschen in der Ukraine. Wir sind zutiefst betroffen und verurteilen den Angriff auf die Ukraine und auf Unschuldige aufs Schärfste», kommentiert Intendant Michael Haefliger. Read More →
Die Oper Bonn will im Rahmen einer eigenen Reihe bis mindestens Sommer 2023, aber wohl auch darüber hinaus, der Frage nach den Mechanismen des Vergessens oder Bewahrens von Musikwerken mit geweitetem Blickwinkel besonders intensiv nachgehen. Read More →
Laurent Hilaire, the French director of the Stanislavsky Theatre ballet company in Moscow has announced his resignation. He has been leading the company’s 120 dancers since January 2017. He left institution « in view of the geopolitical situation » He said to AFP: « I leave with sadness but the context does not allow me to work serenely ». Read More →
The artist management company Felsner Artists told Valery Gergiev that he is no longer a client of the agency. They asked us to publish the following « personal Statement from our Director »: Read More →
In a video message on Instagram, Russian pianist Evgeny Kissin severely condemns Putin’s war which he calls an inexcusable crime. He also recalls that such war criminals in the past were judged at court, Nazis in Nuremberg, others in Den Haag…. Click here for his video.
Opera singer Anna Netrebko has published the following statement: « I have taken some time to reflect because I think the situation is too serious to comment on without really giving it thought. First of all: I am opposed to this war. I am Russian and I love my country but I have many friends in Ukraine and the pain and suffering right now breaks my heart. I want this war to end and for people to be able to live in peace. This is what I hope and pray for. Read More →