KKL Luzern

Zum Ende des diesjährigen Luzerner Festival-Sommers zieht Lucerne Festival eine positive Bilanz mit 90 Prozent Auslastung der 26 großen Sinfoniekonzerte und 84 Prozent Gesamtauslastung. Read More →

John Eliot Gardiner
(c) Alfonso Salgueiro

Nachdem John Eliot Gardiner die Monteverdi-Organisation verlassen hat und eine neue Einheit gründete, Constellation, ist offenbar ein Streit um geplante Tourneen entstanden. Read More →

Konzerthaus Wien,
(c) Victoria Coeln

Das Mahler Academy Orchestra, das auch als Originalklang-Projekt firmiert, bot mit seinem Initiator und Dirigenten Philipp von Steinaecker zwei große Werke vom Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts an. Für das Solo im Klavierkonzert Nr. 3 von Sergej Rachmaninov betrat gleich zu Beginn Leif Ove Andsnes ebenfalls die Bühne. Uwe Krusch hat für Pizzicato gehört, wie das Solokonzert und die anschließende 5. Symphonie von Gustav Mahler umgesetzt wurden. Read More →

The Cavatina Philharmonic Orchestra, Poland’s first private, professional symphony orchestra, will give its inaugural concert in the southern city of Bielsko-Biała on Thursday. Read More →

Ankush Kumar Bahl
c) Scott Suchman

Omaha Symphony Music Director Ankush Kumar Bahl announced that he will quit the orchestra after the 2024-25 season. Bahl, American born and of Indian descent, said he will have a reduced role with the orchestra as Artistic Partner in the 2025-2026 season as symphony leaders search for his successor. Read More →

Sakari Oramo
(c) B. Ealovegae

The BBC Symphony Orchestra has renewed the contract of Chief Conductor Sakari Oramo by five more years, until 2030. He has been in this position since 2013. Read More →

Künstlerische Leiterin Sandra Lied Haga und Ketil Bjørnstad
© Joakim Lied Haga

In Kristiansand/Norwegen startete ein neues Kammermusikfestival. Nicole Czerwinka berichtet. Read More →

Today, the board of New York City Opera announced the appointment of Constantine Orbelian as the organization’s new Executive Director & Music Director, succeeding General Director Michael Capasso. Read More →

Maria Joao Pires

Today, the names of the Praemium Imperiale Laureates 2024 were announced. In the music category the award goes to pianist Maria João Pires, 80. Read More →

The Kyiv Camerata’s has named Canadian Ukrainian conductor Keri-Lynn Wilson as Music Director. The Kyiv Camerata was founded in 1977 by Valery Matyukhin, who was its conductor until he died in 2023.

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