Donghoon Shin

London based Korean composer Donghoon Shin has today been announced as the winner of the Claudio Abbado Composition Prize presented by the Karajan Academy of the Berliner Philharmoniker in honour of their Chief Conductor from 1989–2002. Awarded at irregular intervals, the recipient of the Claudio Abbado Composition prize is commissioned to write a work for members of the Karajan Academy.    Read More →

Riccardo Muti

American publicist Drew McManus (Adaptristration) published today his survey of the Music Director salaries in the United States. The Music Director compensation figures were obtained from their respective orchestra’s IRS Form 990 for the 2018/19 concert season, McManus says. According to his list, the Top 10 Earners are… Read More →

Am Opernhaus Zürich wird eine Findungskommission bis Ende des Jahres eine Nachfolge für Intendant Andreas Homoki präsentieren, der das Haus, wie schon vor Jahren angekündigt, 2025 verlassen will. Read More →

Musicians from the Springfield Symphony Orchestra (Massachusetts) played a free concert last Saturday at the city’s Symphony Hall to protest management’s handling of contract negotiations. Claiming that their orchestra is in danger, the musicians are calling on the Springfield Symphony Orchestra Board to take initiative and work towards a vision for the future of the orchestra. Read More →

Dmitry Matvienko

The winner of this year’s Malko competition for young conductors is Dmitry Matvienko from Belarus, who also receives the Audience Prize! Linhan Cui won Second Prize as well as the prize of the Children’s Jury, and Chloé Dufresne won Third Prize. Read More →

Andreas Schüller

Andreas Schüller, 47, wird ab der Spielzeit 22/23 Generalmusikdirektor (GMD) des Stadttheaters Gießen. Das gaben die designierte Intendantin Simone Sterr und die designierte Operndirektorin Ann-Christine Mecke bekannt. Read More →

Jaime Martin
(c) Alexander Lindström

Spanish conductor Jaime Martin, 55, is named the new Chief Conductor of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra. He replaces Sir Andrew Davis, who ended his tenure as chief conductor after six years in 2019. Read More →

Beim Robert-Schumann-Wettbewerb in Zwickau wurden dieses Jahr erstmals Preise in einer rein digitalen Ausscheidung vergeben. Von den 41 jungen Pianisten und Sängern im Finale haben die beiden Jurys per Videokonferenz insgesamt 11 Preisträger gekürt und einen Sonderpreis für Liedbegleitung vergeben, wie die Stadt am Freitag mitteilte. Read More →

22 pianists from 15 countries have been selected by the jury for the Iturbi Prize, organized by the Valencia Provincial Government. There were an initial 178 musicians registered from 41 countries, for this 21st international competition which is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Read More →

Die 2014 gegründeten Musiktage Feldafing haben eine neue Künstlerische Leitung: Der Pianist Kit Armstrong und die Geigerin Franziska Hölscher übernehmen die Programmgestaltung des Klassikfestivals am Starnberger See, das in diesem Jahr vom 6.–8. August 2021 stattfinden wird. Beide sind dem Musikfestival seit vielen Jahren verbunden: « Als künstlerische Leiter möchten wir eine Erweiterung des traditionellen Hörerlebnisses durch ungewöhnliche Konzertformate anbieten: Read More →

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