Der italienischer Dirigent Giacomo Zani ist in Casalmaggiore, seiner Heimatstadt, an den bei einem Autounfall erlittenen Verletzungen gestorben, berichten italienische Medien. Er wurde 89 Jahre alt. Read More →

The Kimmel Center and The Philadelphia Orchestra today announced that the two organizations are joining forces to form a new parent company, The Philadelphia Orchestra and Kimmel Center, Inc. Read More →

This week’s Karajanist Community Letter is about Beethoven’s Pastorale which Karajan conducted a lot, also in Moscow, where it was taped by Melodiya. Read More →

Marco Pütz

Das Philharmonische Orchester Cottbus hat unter der Leitung von GMD Alexander Merzyn im Staatstheater Musik des luxemburgischen Komponisten Marco Pütz aufgenommen. Putz war selber bei den Aufnahmen seiner Werke zugegen. Zum ersten Mal wird damit ein Großteil des Orchesterschaffens von Marco Pütz zusammenhängend dokumentiert. Read More →

Edward Gardner
Photo:B. Ealovega

The Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra has announced that Chief Conductor Edward Gardner, a 46-year-old Brit, is extending his contract with the orchestra for one additional year, until July 2024. He has hold this position since 2015. Gardner was recently appointed Principal Conductor Designate of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, with his tenure commencing in September 2021.

Louis Langrée
(c) Benoît Limero

The Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra has announced that Louis Langrée will not seek to renew his contract beyond the conclusion of the 2023-24 season, his eleventh as the Orchestra’s Music Director. Read More →

Von den 101 Pianisten, die sich um eine Teilnahme an der Beethoven Competition 2021 beworben hatten, hat die Aufnahmekommission aufgrund der eingereichten Daten und Videoeinsendungen 28 ausgewählt, die vom 2. bis 11. Dezember zum Wettstreit antreten werden. Read More →

Donghoon Shin

London based Korean composer Donghoon Shin has today been announced as the winner of the Claudio Abbado Composition Prize presented by the Karajan Academy of the Berliner Philharmoniker in honour of their Chief Conductor from 1989–2002. Awarded at irregular intervals, the recipient of the Claudio Abbado Composition prize is commissioned to write a work for members of the Karajan Academy.    Read More →

Riccardo Muti

American publicist Drew McManus (Adaptristration) published today his survey of the Music Director salaries in the United States. The Music Director compensation figures were obtained from their respective orchestra’s IRS Form 990 for the 2018/19 concert season, McManus says. According to his list, the Top 10 Earners are… Read More →

Am Opernhaus Zürich wird eine Findungskommission bis Ende des Jahres eine Nachfolge für Intendant Andreas Homoki präsentieren, der das Haus, wie schon vor Jahren angekündigt, 2025 verlassen will. Read More →

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