Juan Perez Floristan

The 28-year-old Spanish pianist Juan Perez Floristan has won the Arthur Rubinstein Competition in Tel Alviv. In addition to the Gold Medal, Floristan was awarded four special prizes: Best performance of an Israeli piece, Best performance of a Beethoven Concerto, Best Chamber Music performance, Audience favorite. Read More →

Nachdem die Bayerische Staatsoper letzte Woche die Gründung ihres eigenes Labels Bayerische Staatsoper Recordings – kurz BSOrec – angekündigt hatte (Pizzicato-Bericht), wurde heute mitgeteilt, dass die Naxos Music Group sich um den physischen und digitalen Vertrieb der Veröffentlichungen kümmern wird. Read More →

British composer Anthony Payne is dead, the BBC reported. Payne was born in London in 1936. He started composing at a very early age, inspired by composers like Elgar, Delius and Vaughan Williams. Read More →

Fang Zhang
(c) BBC

The Chinese-born 17-year-old percussionist Fang Zhang has been named BBC Young Musician 2020. His playing « elicited a kaleidoscope of colours and expression » that « deeply moved the jury », said Angela Dixon, who chaired the judging panel. Read More →

The Polish radio today announced the death of conductor Kasimierz Kord. He was 90 years old. Born in Krakow, Kord first studied piano in Katowice as well as in Russia before graduating in conducting from the Krakow Music Academy. Read More →

Violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter, the singers Okka von der Damerau, Wolfgang Ablinger-Sperrhacke, Kevin Conners, Christian Gerhaher and the conductors Hansjörg Albrecht and Thomas Hengelbrock, on behalf of and with the support of the initiative ‘Aufstehen für die Kunst’ (Standing up for Arts), have filed an urgent constitutional complaint in summary proceedings with the Federal Constitutional Court against the closure of theatres, opera houses and concert halls, with an infection incidence above 100, in Germany, as provided for in the Notbremsegesetz (Emergency Brake Law). An urgent appeal to the Bavarian Administrative Court was dismissed on 15 April.

The third Shanghai Isaac Stern International Violin Competition (SISIVC), which has been postponed for one year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, kicks off on August 12, 2021. The competition received 102 applications from 31 countries and regions around the world by the application deadline in January last year, and now the list of 36 contestants selected for the Quarter-Final Round is officially released. Read More →

Opéra Bastille, Paris

French President Emmanuel Macron announced today the schedule for the reopening of cultural venues to the press. Seated concerts will be authorized from 19 May, within the limit of 800 spectators indoors and 1,000 spectators outdoors. Museums, theaters, monuments and cinemas will also be allowed to reopen from this date. The curfew will also be postponed to 21h. Read More →

Bayerische Staatsoper München

Die Bayerische Staatsoper hat jetzt ihr neues hauseigenes Label angekündigt: Bayerische Staatsoper Recordings. « Entdecken Sie ausgewählte Opernproduktionen und Konzertmitschnitte sowie bedeutende Archivaufnahmen in Ton oder audiovisuell im neuen Label der Bayerischen Staatsoper: BSOrec . Read More →

Die sechste Ausgabe des Internationalen Gesangswettbewerbs ‘Das Lied’ von Thomas Quasthoff, der seit 2017 vom Internationalen Liedzentrum Heidelberg ausgetragen wird, wurde pandemiebedingt abgesagt. Der Wettbewerb war zunächst aus dem Februar in den Mai (25. bis 29. Mai 2021) verlegt worden. Read More →

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