(c) Dieter Hartwig

Auf ARTE Concert werden das Berliner Theaterensemble Nico and the Navigators. und das Kuss Quartett ab dem 21. Dezember ihre Produktion Force & Freedom zeigen. Mit dem inszenierten Konzert widmen sie sich dem Leben und Werk von Ludwig van Beethoven. Read More →

Lang Lang
(c) Deutsche Grammophon

In a Blog post, American pianist Richard Fountain compares Lang Lang to Lady Gaga: « … the Lady Gaga of classical music, always doing something unexpected, even grotesque. » Read More →

Stephanie Childress

The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and music director Stéphane Denève have appointed 21-year-old Franco-British conductor Stephanie Childress as assistant conductor. Read More →

Marzena Diakun
(c) Lukasz Rajchert

The Orquesta y Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid (ORCAM) has announced that 39-year-old Polish conductor Marzena Diakun has been appointed as Artistic Director and Principal Conductor from the fall 2021. She will be the successor of Victor Pablo Pérez. Read More →

Mit alternativen Angeboten wie dem Streaming des Weihnachtskonzertes, dem Familienkonzert der allseits bekannten Nussknacker-Musik oder dem Chrëschtkaraoke in kammermusikalischer Besetzung lädt das Philharmonische Orchester Luxemburg (OPL) zu Internet-Konzerten in der Weihnachtszeit ein. Read More →

Lucie Leguay

French conductor Lucie Leguay, 30, has been appointed as Assistant Conductor of Music Director Mikko Franck at the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France in Paris. Read More →

The latest Karajan Community Letter is dedicated to Karajan and his views on Beethoven through a 15-minute interview from 1977. Here is the link to this week’s Karajanist Community Letter. Read More →

Photo: Marco Borggreve

British conductor Robin Ticciati, Music Director of the Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin (DSO), has been appointed honorary professor of conducting in the vocal department at the Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin, starting with the 2020/21 winter semester. The School will present him with the certificate of this honorary professorship during the premiere of William Walton’s one-act opera ‘The Bear’ on 3 March 2021, a joint project with the DSO. Read More →

Beethoven-Skulptur von Ottmar Hörl

In memory of Ludwig van Beethoven’s 250th baptismal day, an ecumenical service will be held at his historic baptismal font. The baptismal font is in the St. Remigius Church. Read More →

Maggy Nagel
(c) Service Information et Presse / Yves Kortum

Die Luxemburger Komponisten sind wütend. Im Luxemburger Pavillon in Dubai wird keine luxemburgische, sondern deutsche Musik gespielt. Verantwortlich für dieses Desaster ist die Präsidentin der Ausstellungskomitees, die 2015 wegen Inkompetenz zurückgetretene Kulturministerin Maggy Nagel. Sie braucht Nachhilfeunterricht in Sachen Luxemburger Komponisten. Read More →

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