David Reiland

Belgian conductor David Reiland, 41, Music Director of the Orchestre national de Metz has extended his contract until 2024. His initial contract started in 2018 and was to run though September 2021. He was chosen in October 2018 from 150 candidates to succeed Jacques Mercier. Read More →

The Azrieli Foundation, one of the largest philanthropic foundations in Canada and Israel) presents its biennial Azrieli Music Prizes (AMP) Gala Concert on October 22 at 8:00 PM ET (2:00 AM CET) featuring world premieres by the three 2020 AMP Laureates. The concert will be livestreamed by Medici TV, and on the Azrieli Music Prizes’ Facebook page, free for all to enjoy.  Read More →

Ludwig van Beethoven, 1819, von Joseph Karl Stieler

Beethoven’s hearing disorder could probably be cured today, scientists concluded at a medical-musical symposium organized by the Beethoven Jubiläums GmbH in Bonn, Germany. Please read the press release and download the E-Book free of charge. Read More →

Johanna Malangré

Die 31-jährige deutsche Dirigentin Johanna Malangré wurde zur Musikdirektorin des Orchestre national de Picardie ernannt. Sie wird ihr Amt 2022 antreten, als Nachfolgerin des Niederländers Arie Van Beek antreten, der seit 2011 Dirigent des Orchesters ist. Read More →

In Mailand kündigte das Teatro alla Scala sämtliche Abonnements. Auch will das Haus die Saison 20/21 nur schrittweise, jeweils für höchstens drei Monate planen, und Tickets nur im freien Verkauf anbieten. Read More →

The Boston Symphony Orchestra has announced the cancel of the remaining 2020-21 season through the winter and spring months.During this ongoing hiatus from the live concert experience, the BSO will continue creating and disseminating newly recorded online content to be made available starting on November 19 and continuing through April 2021. Read More →

Ivo Hentschel
(c) Uwe Arens

Zur Saison 2021/2022 wird der 44-jährige Deutsche Ivo Hentschel neuer Musikdirektor und Chefdirigent am Theater Hof. Hentschel kennt das Haus, weil er bereits in der Spielzeit 2013/14 als 1. Kapellmeister dort engagiert war. Read More →

Teatro alla Scala, Milano

The increase in coronavirus infections in Milan forces La Scala to review its 2020/21 season, which would normally start in 7 December. « In consideration of the evolution of the epidemic in recent days in Italy and Europe as well as the consequent uncertainty of the regulatory framework, the Teatro alla Scala postpones the press conference to present the calendar from December 2020 to March 2021, scheduled for today », the press office announced. Read More →

Yury Revich

This year marks both Beethoven’s 250th anniversary and the 200th anniversary of the great Belgian violin virtuoso Henry Vieuxtemps. Yury Revich premieres the two Vieuxtemps-Cadenzas for Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in two videos which are linked in this Pizzicato  article. Read More →

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra announced that in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to ensure the safety of audiences, artists and staff, all 2020/21 season programs originally scheduled to take place from January 7 through March 30, 2021, have been cancelled. Read More →

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