Marina Rebeka & Nicola Cattò
(c) Brescia/Amisano – Teatro alla Scala

On Tuesday, October 20th, on the occasion of Marina Rebeka’s much applauded recital at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, ICMA General Secretary Nicola Cattò presented the award of Artist of the Year 2020 to the illustrious Latvian soprano. Read More →

One of the main players in the online sale of musical instruments, the French Woodbrass is in financial difficulties, according to the newspaper Ouest-France.The company generated € 50 million in sales in 2019 and employs 100 people in its e-commerce, five shops and a music school. Read More →

Johann Sebastian Bach
(c) Bach-Archiv Leipzig

Die Stiftung Wald für Sachsen und das Bachfest Leipzig starten ein ehrgeiziges Projekt – die Neuanpflanzung eines Mischwaldes in der Nähe des Bach-Ortes Störmthal bei Leipzig, am Westufer des Störmthaler Sees. Ab dem 21. November werden die ersten Bäume gesetzt. Eine Crowdfunding-Kampagne soll bis zu drei Hektar Wald finanzieren: Bach-Liebhaber aus aller Welt werden bis zum 6. Dezember mit exklusiven Geschenken umworben. Read More →

Disney Concert Hall
Photo: Remy Franck

The Los Angeles Philharmonic has announced the cancelation of all scheduled concerts at the Walt Disney Concert Hall until June 2021. Other major U.S. organizations to cancel their season include the Metropolitan Opera, the New York Philharmonic and the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

The Friday Foundation has awarded the Seattle Symphony $1.5 million to establish The Richard E. Lang and Jane Lang Davis Living Music Program, the orchestra announced: « Uniting audiences and fostering cultural exchange through an annual concert that features ambitious and innovative programming, The Richard E. Lang and Jane Lang Davis Living Music Program will provide the vital support needed to present forward-thinking artistic programming each season as well as support the long-term strategic plans of the Symphony. » Read More →

David Reiland

Belgian conductor David Reiland, 41, Music Director of the Orchestre national de Metz has extended his contract until 2024. His initial contract started in 2018 and was to run though September 2021. He was chosen in October 2018 from 150 candidates to succeed Jacques Mercier. Read More →

The Azrieli Foundation, one of the largest philanthropic foundations in Canada and Israel) presents its biennial Azrieli Music Prizes (AMP) Gala Concert on October 22 at 8:00 PM ET (2:00 AM CET) featuring world premieres by the three 2020 AMP Laureates. The concert will be livestreamed by Medici TV, and on the Azrieli Music Prizes’ Facebook page, free for all to enjoy.  Read More →

Ludwig van Beethoven, 1819, von Joseph Karl Stieler

Beethoven’s hearing disorder could probably be cured today, scientists concluded at a medical-musical symposium organized by the Beethoven Jubiläums GmbH in Bonn, Germany. Please read the press release and download the E-Book free of charge. Read More →

Johanna Malangré

Die 31-jährige deutsche Dirigentin Johanna Malangré wurde zur Musikdirektorin des Orchestre national de Picardie ernannt. Sie wird ihr Amt 2022 antreten, als Nachfolgerin des Niederländers Arie Van Beek antreten, der seit 2011 Dirigent des Orchesters ist. Read More →

In Mailand kündigte das Teatro alla Scala sämtliche Abonnements. Auch will das Haus die Saison 20/21 nur schrittweise, jeweils für höchstens drei Monate planen, und Tickets nur im freien Verkauf anbieten. Read More →

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