What the hell has Beethoven to do with the English pop singer Robbie Williams? The German telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom said in a press release that they plan to have a concert with this man for Beethoven’s 250th birthday. But that’s not all. Read More →
Das Buch von Danielle Roster ‘Lou Koster – Komponieren in Luxemburg ist als Band 10 in der Reihe Europäische Komponistinnen im Böhlau Verlag erschienen. Es ist die erste Monografie zu Lou Koster und wirft zugleich Schlaglichter auf die weitgehend noch unerforschte Musikgeschichte. Read More →
The president and CEO of the Grand Teton Musical Festival in Wyoming has resigned over disputes following the removal of three longtime orchestra members. Pizzicato reported. These musicians were reinstated Dec. 3, The Jackson Hole News And Guide reported. But this did not calm opponents to Todd who asked for his resignation.
Im voll asiatischen Finale hat der 23-jährige Chinese Cunmo Yin die Telekom Beethoven Competition Bonn 2019 gewonnen. Platz zwei und drei gingen an Yuto Takezawa und Shihyun Lee.
American pianist Dalton Baldwin passed away on Thursday, December 12 at the age of 87. He was known as an accompanist of singers like Gérard Souzay, José Van Dam, Elly Ameling, Jessye Norman and Nathalie Stutzmann. Read More →
Der Stiftungsrat von Lucerne Festival hat, wie angekündigt, Markus Hongler zum Präsidenten gewählt, als Nachfolger von Hubert Achermann, dessen Rücktritt, kann man Schweizer Presseberichten glauben, nicht freiwillig erfolgte. Achermann sei in einem internen Machtkampf dem Intendanten Michael Haefliger unterlegen, haben mehrere Schweizer Medien berichtet. Read More →
Australian conductor Simone Young, 58, has been appointed Chief Conductor of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. She will take up her post in 2022. The year before she will conduct several concerts in Sydney as designated Chief Conductor. During her initial three-year tenure (2022 to 2024), Simone Young will conduct the orchestra each year for eight weeks and will continue to work with the orchestra on artistic planning and programming, while fulfilling her numerous ongoing conducting engagements in Europe and the United States. Read More →
In the 2019 fiscal year, which ended on August 31, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) had an operating surplus for a seventh consecutive year and ticket revenue growth for a fifth consecutive year, plus an increase in contributed revenue over the previous year and continued endowment growth, the organization announced. Ticket sales totaled $7.56 Mio, up from 7.32, total revenue was $29,17 Mio, up from 28.76. The total surplus for the year was $ 20.000.
Pleiten, Pech und Pannen: Der Beethovenhalle in Bonn geht es nicht anders als der Elbphilharmonie, der Kölner Oper oder der Berliner Staatsoper: Die Renovierung wird ständig teurer und dauert immer länger. Read More →
Shihyun Lee, Yuto Takezawa und Cunmo Yin heißen die Finalisten der International Telekom Beethoven Competition Bonn 2019. Die neunköpfige Jury unter der Leitung von Pavel Gililov kürte die drei jungen Pianisten aus Südkorea, Japan und China unter den sechs angetretenen Halbfinalisten, zu denen noch Knut Hanßen, Shih-Wei Huang und So Hyang In zählten. Read More →