Andris Poga

The Norwegian Stavanger Symphony Orchestra has announced the appointment of 38-year-old Latvian conductor Andris Poga as its new Chief Conductor, from the 2021/2022 season. Poga succeeds Christian Vasquez, who held the post for six years. Read More →

Metropolitan Opera New York

In der kommenden Saison wollte die Met die vornehmlich auf Videoprojektionen und -effekten basierende Produktion von  Berlioz’ La Damnation de Faust wiederaufnehmen. Doch dazu wird es nicht kommen. Read More →

Théâtre du Châtelet

After two years of renovation, the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris will reopen in September with Parade. « Artistically innovative while remaining true to the Châtelet tradition, Parade is a concentration of what the new directors of the Theatre, Ruth Mackenzie and Thomas Lauriot dit Prévost, want to share with the public », the Theater says. Read More →

Ludwig van Beethoven

Researchers of EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne) have completed a first analysis of Beethoven’s writing style, applying statistical techniques to unlock recurring patterns, the school communicated. Read More →

Bernard Haitink
(c) Patrick Huerlimann/ LucerneFestival

Dutch conductor Bernard Haitink has announced the end of his active career. He will give his last concert on 6 September in Lucerne, Switzerland, the 90-year-old told the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant on Wednesday. Read More →

BBT Communities, the newly formed division of the Borletti-Buitoni Trust, announces its first grants (each between £30,000 and £40,000) to a range of international charities that, through music, make a real difference to the lives of disadvantaged communities. Read More →

Gioacchino Rossini

Im italienischen Pesaro wurde gestern das Nationale Rossini-Museum eröffnet. In zehn Räumen wird das Leben des Komponisten ausführlich dargestellt Read More →

Maria Kliegel

Die Solistin, Kammermusikerin und Pädagogin Prof. Maria Kliegel, Violoncello,  gehört ab September 2019 zum Dozenten-Team des neu gegründeten Institute of Musical Excellence in Wroclaw (Breslau), Polen. Read More →

A partnership agreement to strengthen and develop the collaboration between the Cité de la Musique – Philharmonie de Paris and Cité musicale-Metz has been signed yesterday by the management of both institutions. Read More →

Ludovic Morlot
(c) Sussie Ahlburg

The Seattle Symphony’s Music Director, has been named to a new position, the Judith Fong Conductor Emeritus, in recognition of his exceptional role in the transformation of the Seattle Symphony over the past eight years. Morlot steps down as Music Director at the end of the current season, becoming Conductor Emeritus this fall. Read More →

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