The Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra has named the Brit Nicholas Collon (*1983) Chief Conductor. He will take over in autumn 2021, succeeding Hannu Lintu. Read More →
Finnish conductor Osmo Vänskä, 66, has been appointed as Music Director of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, ending the orchestra’s four-year leadership vacancy. Vänskä will take the job from January next year under a three-year contract. Read More →
Das Kuss Quartett, seit über 25 Jahren in Berlin ansässig, bekommt von der Nippon Music Foundation das berühmte Paganini-Quartett von Antonio Stradivari als Leihgabe, um darauf die gesamten Streichquartette von Ludwig van Beethoven in Tokyo in der Suntory Hall zu spielen sowie live aufzunehmen. Read More →
Viel Jubel gab es gestern Abend in der Luxemburger Philharmonie für den Solisten Christoph Sietzen und die Solistes Européens Luxembourg unter der Leitung ihres Chefdirigenten Christoph König. Remy Franck berichtet. Read More →
Die Hamburger Elbphilharmonie bleibt trotz der Kritik prominenter Musiker an der Akustik des grossen Saales ein Publikumsmagnet. « Die Auslastung im Großen Saal liegt nach wie vor bei praktisch 100 Prozent », sagte Intendant Christoph Lieben-Seutter am heutigen Montag bei der Vorstellung des Programms für die Saison 2019/20. Read More →
The Russian Ministries of Culture and of Economic Development plan to create a music and cultural center at the Tchaikovsky State Memorial Music Museum in Klin, near Moscow. The museum is located in the house, where the Russian composer spent the last 2 years of his life, since May 1892. Read More →
Over a year since its first concert, the Sun Symphony Orchestra (SSO) has proven a success, Viet Nam News has reported. Based in Hanoi, financed by the Sun Group, the orchestra is conducted by Music Director Olivier Ochanine, 39. The French conductor is currently preparing the launch of the 2019-2020 season. The SSO has 45 permanent musicians from 20 different countries, however in the near future, it should expand, Ochanine announced.
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association (CSOA) and the musicians of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra (CSO) reached an agreement yesterday on a new five-year collective bargaining agreement. The musicians of the CSO, members of the Chicago Federation of Musicians (CFM), Local 10-208 of the American Federation of Musicians and the Board of the CSOA, both voted to ratify the new agreement, which is effective September 2018 through September 2023. The agreement comes after a seven-week strike and final negotiation sessions mediated by Mayor Rahm Emanuel on April 26. Read More →