The Birmingham City Council adopted a series of measures to bring its finances back into the black after declaring itself bankrupt in September. All cultural sectors are impacted by severe cuts. Grants to regularly-funded arts organizations will face 50% cuts this year and 100% next financial year. They include the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra,   Birmingham Royal Ballet, Birmingham Opera Company and B:Music

Constantinos Carydis

Ein ungewöhnliches Programm boten die Wiener Symphoniker am kürzlich zu hörenden Abend im Wiener Konzerthaus. Uwe Krusch war für Pizzicato dabei. Read More →

Countertenor Reginald Mobley joins Academy of Ancient Music for a concert tour celebrating the life and work of Ignatius Sancho, the noted author, composer and the first known Black Briton to vote. The press release says: « Titled Sons of England, this project seeks to restore Sancho to his rightful place in the history of 18th-century English music and to challenge facile notions of nationality and cultural identity. » Read More →

Karina Cannelakis
© Todd Rosenburg

The London Philharmonic Orchestra announced the extension of their relationship with Principal Guest Conductor Karina Canellakis. The contract – which commenced at the start of the 2021/22 season – has been extended for a further three years, and will see her continue to regularly conduct the orchestra in the UK and on tour. Canellakis is also Chief Conductor of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra.

Die Hochschule für Musik Saar muss wegen einer überfälligen Großsanierung geräumt werden. Ein erstes Ausweichquartier auf 700 Quadratmetern gegenüber des jetzigen Haues wurde gefunden. Am Standort an der Trierer Straße in Saarbrücken sind weitere 5000 Quadratmeter geplant, die ab dem vierten Quartal 2024 zur Verfügung stehen sollen. Read More →

Scottish conductor Stewart Robertson has died at the age of 75. He attended the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama and Bristol University and studied conducting with Otmar Suitner at the Mozarteum and Hans Swarowsky in Vienna. Read More →

Das Orchestre de Chambre du Luxembourg hat die zweite Ausgabe des Prix Anne & Françoise Groben 2024 angekündigt. Read More →

Palau de la Música, València

The International Classical Music Awards, the Palau de la Música and the Orquesta de València announced the program of the Gala Concert which will take place following the Award Ceremony at the Palau on 12 April 2024 at 19:30. Read More →

The Detroit Symphony Orchestra (DSO) and its musicians announced the ratification of a new contract, more than six months prior to the current contract’s expiration on September 1, 2024. The new agreement – the fourth consecutive to reach an early resolution – resulted from a collaborative effort between the members of the Negotiations Committee accomplished over several highly constructive bargaining meetings. Read More →

Yura Yang

South-Korean conductor Yura Yang, 34, will assume the position of First Kapellmeister at the Oper Leipzig next season. She is currently engaged as First Coordinated Kapellmeister at the Staatstheater Karlsruhe. Read More →

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