Unlike the Montreal Symphony’s internal investigation, the one made by the Philadelphia Orchestra into sexual misconduct allegations against conductor Charles Dutoit, 82, has found them to be credible. Read More →
‘get real’ lautet das Motto des von der Luxemburger Philharmonie veranstalteten Festivals für zeitgenössische Musik ‘rainy days’. In 17 Veranstaltungen vom 13. bis zum 25. November gilt es « Spuren der Wirklichkeit in der zeitgenössischen Musik » zu erkunden. Read More →
In Moskau hat nach über einem Jahr Hausarrest der Prozess gegen den Theaterregisseur Kirill Serebrennikov und seine ehemaligen Mitarbeiter begonnen. Der russische Staat wirft ihnen vor, Fördergelder in Höhe von fast drei Millionen Euro veruntreut zu haben. Read More →
The reaction over possible sexual harassment by Charles Dutoit, the former Montreal Symphony Music Director was tough, so that Radio Canada banned him from its programs. Now, MSO’s internal investigation against Charles Dutoit is announced as inconclusive. Read More →
The Finnish musician Pekka Kuusisto is today joined by the Cannes award winning director Juho Kuosmanen to support Greenpeace’s global campaign to save The Great Northern Forest with the launch of a new campaign film The Elegy of the Forest. The film is available on Greenpeace International’s Facebook. Read More →
Glyndebourne Festival Opera appointed Ben Glassberg as tour conductor. The contract runs three years from 2019, the first year he will be conducting Donizetti’s L‘Elisir d’Amore. Glassberg is 24 years old and born in the UK. After graduating from Cambridge University he studied at Royal Academy of Music. In 2017 he won the 55th Young Conductors Competition of Besançon in France. In that year, he served as a substitute for Robin Ticciati at Glyndebourne Festival Opera, and has succeeded by conducting Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito.
Leslie Suganandarajah, a conductor born in Sri Lanka and raised in Germany, will be Principal Conductor of Salzburg’s State Theater and thus Mirga Grazinyte-Tyla’s successor. Suganandarajah was born in 1983 and moved to Germany with his parents at the age of two. He studied at Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Lübeck University of Music and then studied at the University of Music Franz Liszt Weimar. In the 2012/13 season he became the second conductor of the Koblenz Theater and from the 2015/2016 season was the chief conductor. From 2017/2018 season he moved to the Linz State Theater and served as Principal Conductor.
Den 250. Geburtstag des Komponisten Ludwig van Beethoven im Jahr 2020 feiert seine Vaterstadt Bonn mit einer Fülle von Konzerten, Kongressen und Ausstellungen. Unter anderem geben die Dirigenten Simon Rattle, Kent Nagano und Daniel Barenboim Konzerte. Wie die Organisatoren am Dienstag in Bonn berichteten, plant die Bundeskunsthalle eine Ausstellung über den Komponisten mit Porträts, Musikinstrumenten, vielen Hörstationen und Dokumenten. Read More →
Wie die ‘Messa da Requiem’ von Giuseppe Verdi unter der Stabführung von Sir John Eliot Gardiner in Luxemburg gelang, berichtet Uwe Krusch für Pizzicato. Neben seinen Ensembles ‘Orchestre Révolutionnaire et Romantique’ und ‘Monteverdi Choir’ hatte Mariner vier ausgewählte Solisten mitgebracht. Read More →
Der renovierungsbedürftige Wagner-Konzertsaals in der lettischen Hauptstadt Riga soll laut Finanzministerin Dana Reizniece-Ozola saniert werden. Rund 20 Millionen Euro will die Regierung in den Saal investieren, die Mittel kommen aus dem lettischen Staatshaushalt und von der Europäischen Union. Read More →