French violinist Renaud Capuçon has created a new ensemble linked to the Lausanne School of Music (HEMU) where he teaches since 2014. Composed of the best strings of HEMU, the Lausanne Soloists will be performing in Switzerland and internationally in the season 2018-2019. Read More →
On February 9, Aeroflot announced that musical instruments like violins, violas, saxophones, bassoons, French horns, trombones etc. would no longer be allowed as hand-luggage. Yesterday, after huge protests from musicians and organizers, the airline withdraw the regulation.
Ein Österreicher hat in seinem Blog eine lange Reihe an Vorwürfen gegen die Festspiele Erl (Tirol) erhoben. Sie reichen von Korruption und Lohndumping bis zu sexueller Belästigung. Das vom Dirigenten Gustav Kuhn geleitete Festival will wegen dieser Vorwürfe rechtliche Schritte gegen den Autor in die Wege leiten.
Canadian Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra (WSO) announced that Russian-born conductor Daniel Raiskin (*1970) has been named Music Director from August 1, 2018, succeeding Alexander Mickelthwate who served as Music Director since 2005. Read More →
French writer and journalist Françoise Xenakis died after a long illness on February 12 at Courbevoie, her daughter Mâkhi has announced. She was 87. She was the widow of the composer and architect Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001), whom, she married in 1953. Read More →
The Juilliard School in New York announced American conductor David Robertson, 59, as director of conducting studies. Robertson will be the principal teacher for all conducting degree students at the school. Read More →
The San Diego Symphony today announced that Rafael Payare will become the orchestra’s next an 13th Music Director. Payare will begin a four-year contract immediately, serving as Music Director Designate for the first year, and begin the role of Music Director on July 1, 2019. Payare will debut at the San Diego podium in his new role January 2019, when he kicks off the fourth annual San Diego Symphony January festival. Read More →
The Brescia based Italian conductor, pianist and composer Giovanna Sorbi, died last night. She would have turned 59 on 17 February. Sorbi is the founder of the Coro Lirico Città di Brescia. She was also the music director of in the last years thanks to the commitment in the Brixia Symphony Orchestra.
Die Österreichische Musikzeitschrift (ÖMZ) stellt ihr Erscheinen Ende Februar ein. Das geht aus einer Mitteilung des Verlags hervor. Die Zeitschrift wurde 1946 gegründet. Besonders für die zeitgenössische Musik in Österreich ist dies ein herber Verlust.