Théâtre de la Monnaie, Bruxelles

The Royal Theatre of La Monnaie in Brussels will reopen on September 5 after a two-year-long renovation. The opening production is Philippe Boesman’s opera Pinocchio. Read More →

Suntory Hall

Suntory Hall in Tokyo is scheduled to reopen its doors on 1 September after a major renovation which has been carried out on the entire hall in a seven-month project that was launched in February 2017. Read More →

The agency TASS has made public the death of the Russian violinist Dmitry P. Kogan who died in Moscow at the age of 38. He died from cancer, according to his assistant. Dmitry Kogan was born in 1978. His father was Pavel Kogan, a conductor, his grandfather was the violinist Leonid Kogan and his grandmother, Yelena Gilels, came from the family of the pianist Emil Gilels. Dmitry Kogan was a confidant of Vladimir Putin.

Houston Grand Opera - Wortham Center

Due to the impact of Hurricane Harvey, all performances of the Houston Symphony’s Ella at 100 concerts on September 1, 2 & 3 have been cancelled. The orchestra further says that the Patron Services Center is closed indefinitely. Read More →

Catherine Foster, die Sängerin der Brünnhilde in der Wagners ‘Götterdämmerung’, verletzte sich am Montag am Ende des ersten Aufzugs am Fuß und konnte nicht weiterspielen. Ein Regie-Assistent zog ihr Kostüm an und agierte auf der Bühne als Brünnhilde, während Foster von der Seite aus die Partie sang.

Das grosse Festspielhaus in Salzburg

Nach 195 Aufführungen an 15 Spielstätten gingen die Salzburger Festspiele mit einer Auslastung von 97% zu Ende (+ 1% gegenüber 2016). 261.500 Tickets wurden an Besucher aus 79 Nationen verkauft (darunter 40 außereuropäische). Die Einnahmen beliefen sich auf ca. € 29,9 Mio (brutto). Read More →

Emily D'Angelo
(c) Demetz

The young 22-year-old mezzo-soprano Emily D’Angelo won First Prize and the Audience Award in the Cesti Singing Competition in Innsbruck. Second Prize went to Eléonore Pancrazi from France followed by Giulia Bolcato from Italy. Read More →

Houston Grand Opera - Wortham Center

Close to Buffalo Bayou River, Houston Opera is flooded and the two stages are under water. The Opera’s website is offline and on Twitter you can read: « Due to power outages stemming from the severe weather in Houston, our website is down. We will provide an update as soon as possible. » Read More →

The very first edition of Concours Fondation Polycarpe, a competition for opera conductors organized by the Royal Opera of Liège, Belgium, ended last weekend with no First Prize. Instead, two Second Prizes have been awarded (ex aequo) to Michele Spotti (* 1993, Italy) and Pierre Dumoussaud (*1990, France). Antoine Glatard (*1983, France) won Third Prize.

First Prize of the Clara Haskil Competition in Vevey has been awarded to 18-years-old Japanese pianist Mao Fujita. He also won the Audience Award, the Modern Times Award and the Coup de Cœur Award.

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