Die Deutsche Orchestervereinigung DOV begrüßt Forderungen aus der nordrhein-westfälischen CDU, der Kultur im bevölkerungsreichsten deutschen Bundesland endlich wieder mehr Bedeutung zu geben. Read More →

For the very first cello edition of the Reine Elisabeth Competition in Brussels, the jury has announced the 24 cellists who go through to the semi-final. Read More →

ICMA President Remy Franck presenting the ICMA trophy to Naxos founder Klaus Heymann

The 30th anniversary of the most important actor on the classical recording scene, Naxos, was commemorated yesterday evening at the Allerheiligen-Hofkirche in Munich. Read More →

Deutsche Radio Philharmonie
Photo: Marco Borggreve

Am 18. Mai eröffnet im Foyer vor dem Großen Sendesaal des Funkhauses Halberg in Saarbrücken eine Fotoausstellung über das Wirken der Deutschen Radio Philharmonie im ersten Jahrzehnt ihres Bestehens. Fotos von Proben, Konzerten, Momenten hinter und auf der Bühne sowie von Tourneen durch Fernost zeigen, wie das Orchester seinen kulturellen Auftrag lebt. Read More →

Albena Petrovic
(c) Stefan Pieper

Im Grazer Stefaniensaal wurde die Sinfonische Dichtung ‘Melusina’ von Albena Petrovic-Vratchanska uraufgeführt. Stefan Pieper berichtet. Read More →

At the Munich Music Days organized by Naxos with the Naxos labels as well as labels distributed by Naxos and its subsidiaries, Naxos founder and chairman Klaus Heymann made a cautiously optimistic statement about the market of recorded classical music. Read More →

Ticket pricing for classical concerts has « to be viewed as a flexible tool », Jane Donald, Director of External Relations at RSNO, Scotland’s National Orchestra, recently explained in the Arts Professional magazine. Read More →

Martin Fröst
(c) Nikolaj Lund

The Swedish Chamber Orchestra has announced the appointment of Martin Fröst, 46, as its new Chief Conductor, commencing from the 2019/20 season. The three-year contract marks a new chapter in Fröst’s musical life, who in recent years has been increasingly active as a conductor, whilst continuing to perform and push boundaries as a clarinettist. Fröst succeeds Thomas Dausgaard who has been the orchestra’s Chief Conductor since 1997.

Das Gewinnerensemble der ersten ‘göttingen händel competition’ heißt ‘L’Apothéose’. Dem Sieger winken das Preisträgerkonzert sowie 5.000 Euro Preisgeld, gestiftet von der Göttinger Händel-Gesellschaft e. V. Read More →

Andrew Litton
(c) Danny Turner

The Singapore Symphony Orchestra and Music Director Lan Shui have appointed Ameican conductor Andrew Litton as Principal Guest Conductor. Litton launches his tenure in September 2017 and will return to Singapore in subsequent years to work on up to four projects per season. Read More →

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