Placido Domingo’s Operalia singing competition announced the winners. First Prize is won by Adela Zaharia, a soprano from Romania and by Levy Sekgapane, a tenor from South Africa. Read More →
Exzellente Aufführungen von Wagners ‘Fliegendem Holländer’ und Verdis ‘Un Giorno di Regno’ hat Alain Steffen bei den Heidenheimer Opernfestspielen gesehen. Read More →
Canadian composer Gilles Tremblay, one of Quebec’s formost contemporary music composers and pianists, passed away Thursday evening at the age of 85, according to a press release issued on Saturday. Read More →
Der deutsche Verein ‘Zuflucht Kultur!’, der sich der interkulturellen Arbeit mit Asylsuchenden und geflüchteten Künstlern verschrieben hat, bereitet seine vierte große Opernproduktion vor. Am 2. September hat Georges Bizets Carmen im ‘Mixed Munich Arts’ (MMA) Premiere, in Zusammenarbeit mit ‘Opera Incognita’. Read More →
The European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO) will be funded in a long term by the European Commission. The Orchestra will receive EU funding without having to regularly apply for it, the Juncker Commission announced on Friday. The European Parliament and the EU countries will have to approve to the proposal. Read More →
Das Württembergische Kammerorchester Heilbronn hat den 34-jährigen Amerikaner Case Scaglione zum neuen Chefdirigenten ernannt. Dr Vertrag läuft mit Beginn der Saison 2018/2019 an und ist auf vier Jahre angelegt. Read More →
Genova, the city of the Premio Paganini, is planning a festival with nine concerts, all with free entrance, with the participation of three winners of the Paganini Award. The Paganini Genova Festival will take place from October 27th to 29th to involve the city around the image of Nicolo Paganini some months ahead of the Premio Paganini of 2018. Read More →
Just over a year ago, candidate Trump promised on social media and in various speeches that he would “fight” for the LGBT community and their “freedoms and beliefs.” Yesterday, Trump, the liar, outrageously banned transgender people from military service. Gay musicians be aware of this: there will be a tweet very soon, banning you from stage.
An events company at Powderham Castle, near Exeter, Devon, has cancelled several events, among them a concert on Sunday 30 July, which was to be played by the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. Read More →