Joseph Trafton

Der 1978 in Bowling Green, Kentucky geborene Dirigent Joseph Trafton wird neuer Generalmusikdirektor in Hagen. Er hat gestern den Vertrag unterschrieben, der zur Spielzeit 2017/18 beginnt und für fünf Jahre gilt. Read More →

Ensemble Esperanza

Im ‘Grand Resort Bad Ragaz’ (Schweiz) wurde gestern Abend das 7. ‘Festival Next Generation’ mit einem Konzert des ‘Ensemble Esperanza’ eröffnet. Solisten des Abends waren die beiden ‘Artists in Residence’, der 1991 geborene belgische Geiger Marc Bouchkov und die 1994 geborene Flötistin Eva-Nina Kozmus aus Slowenien. Read More →

Das Mozarteum in Salzburg
Photo: Christian Schneider

Wegen politischer Intrigen und Uneinigkeit im Universitätsrat des Salzburger Mozarteums ist dessen Vorsitzende Viktoria Kickinger zurückgetreten. Das berichten die Salzburger Nachrichten. Read More →

2017 sees the 25th anniversary of Divine Art Recordings Group. In fact, each of its three main branches were founded independently at almost the same time. Divine Art itself, established in north-east England in early 1992, acquired both the Athene label (founded in late 1991) and new-music vehicle Métier, also founded in 1992. After absorbing both Dunelm Records and Heritage Media, the company expanded further by opening a branch in the USA, which is now the group headquarters.  Read More →

Der kanadische Komponist und Dirigent Samy Moussa, 32, erhält den mit 20 000 Euro dotierten Hindemith Preis 2017. «Seine Musik, die sich durch Formschönheit und kompositorische Strenge auszeichnet, trifft den Nerv unserer Zeit», heisst es in der Begründung.

Nachdem der Dresdner Oberbürgermeister einer Kunst-Installation des deutsch-syrischen Künstlers Manaf Halbouni vor der Frauenkirche bedroht wurde, haben die Intendanten der Dresdner Kultureinrichtungen einen eindringlichen Appell gegen Hass und Hetze veröffentlicht. Read More →

Swiss music school ‘Un, Deux, Trois, Musiques…’  founded by Nicole Coppey is celebrating its 20th anniversary. « This pedagogical school of musical art extols the supreme dimension of music, deep and uplifting, as it plays a clear role in the global development of the personality, bringing about the growth of a structured human being, self-assured and creative. », Coppey says. Read More →

From February 16-20, the Westminster Choir College in Princeton (New Jersey) and choir events organizer Interkultur will host 20 choirs from the United States, China and Indonesia to sing together in Friendship Concerts, compete in an international choir competition and celebrate the variety of international vocal music at the Sing’n’Joy Princeton Choir Festival. They will be joined by composer Morten Lauridsen, the American Boy Choir and by the hosting choir of the Westminster Choir College.

More information is available here:

Nicolai Gedda

Nicolai Gedda has died yesterday in Switzerland, aged 91. His family has confirmed the death which is more than important, since in May 2015 rumours said, Gedda, one of the greatest tenor of the XXth Century had died on Saturday, 16 May. Wikipedia pages in several languages mentioned his death. Two days later, the death references and dates were removed from those pages. Read More →

Stéphane Denève
(c) Henry Fair

French conductor Stéphane Denève has signed a new three-year contract as Principal Guest Conductor, through the 2019-2020 season. Stéphane Denève, 45, is also Music Director of the Brussels Philharmonic, and Director of the Centre for Future Orchestral Repertoire (CffOR). From 2011-2016, he served as Chief Conductor of Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra (SWR) and from 2005-2012 as Music Director of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.

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