The Scottish independent record label Linn Records is partnering with Belgium-based Outhere Music. The collaboration is to allow both  brands to  explore further opportunities from a wider roster of musicians. Additionally, Outhere Music will re-launch in 2017, allowing consumers to access and explore even more high quality music from Outhere Music’s catalogue, all through a new cutting-edge download service.

Niklas Benjamin Hoffmann

The German Niklas Benjamin Hoffmann, 26, has won the Donatella Flick conducting competition in London. A student of Nicolas Pasquet at the Franz Liszt University of Music, Weimar, Hoffmann is chief conductor of the Academic orchestra in Göttingen.

In 2017, the Queen Elisabeth competition is holding for the first time in its history a competition devoted to cellists. It will take place from 8 May – 3 June 2017. Applications are now open, application deadline is fixed at 11 January 2017. Candidates must be born after 31 December 1986. Read More →

Petra Müllejans, die seit über zwei Jahrzehnten das FBO künstlerisch geleitet hat, legt diese Aufgabe zum Ende der Spielzeit 2016/17 nieder. Sie bleibt weiterhin festes Mitglied des Ensembles. Read More →

The Scottish Chamber Orchestra is behind plans to build a new concert hall in Edinburgh. The £45 million 1000-capacity complex is to be built in the heart of Edinburgh’s New Town just off St Andrew Square. The SCO has made a joint venture with a new charitable trust, IMPACT Scotland, to draw up the plans.

The League of American Orchestras has published an overview of the activities of its members over a nine-year period from 2006 to 2014. The key elements of the report show that in 2014, there were 1,224 U.S. orchestras, distributed widely across all 50 states. Read More →

Das marode Hauptgebäude der Musikhochschule München muss saniert werden. Die Münchner Abendzeitung meldete, es werde ein Termin in 2019 ins Auge gefasst. Read More →

Richard Wagner

Die Erforschung der zweitgrößten Richard-Wagner-Sammlung der Welt, der so genannten ‘Oesterlein’-Sammlung in der Eisenacher Reuter-Villa am Fuße der Wartburg ist bis 2019 finanziell abgesichert: Die Volkswagen-Stiftung bewilligte eine Förderung in Höhe von 400.000 Euro. Read More →

Laut Informationen des SRF muss der Trägerverein der ‘Oper Schenkenberg’ aus Schinznach-Dorf (Kanton Aarau) Konkurs anmelden. Die Aufführungen’ der Freiluftoper ‘Rigoletto’ im Sommer habe ein großes Defizit verursacht. Read More →

Nigel Kennedy
Photo: Paul M. Mitchell/Sony

British violinist Nigel Kennedy, 59, is considering leaving Britain for Germany, he told Sky News. He might settle in Berlin because he does no longer want to live in a « fascist » and « racist » country. He also used another word for Brexit, replacing the ‘x’ by two other letters…

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