Under fascist leaders, culture and especially music risk losing a lot of support. So, the day after the American shock, Europeans, French and German people in the front line, have to learn that the only possibility to stop this nightmare is to fight it with all the possible democratic and civilian means. And first of all, we should stop calling those people right-wing, populist or whatever other belittling cosy names. Call them fascists or neo-fascists if you want to be more nuanced, call their movement fascism or neo-fascism. Read More →

Classical Musicians who took position against Donald Trump are shocked about the victory of the American fascist. Read More →

Marcus Bosch

Der Dirigent Marcus Bosch (47) wird mit Ende der Spielzeit 2017/2018 seine Tätigkeit als Generalmusikdirektor des Staatstheaters Nürnberg und der Staatsphilharmonie Nürnberg beenden. Er folgt dem Ruf, zum Wintersemester 2018 eine volle Professur für Dirigieren und die Leitung des Hochschulorchesters an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München zu übernehmen. Read More →

Louis Spohr

Der 8. Internationale Louis Spohr Wettbewerb für Junge Geiger an der Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar hat neun Preisträger. Den 1. Preis der jüngsten Kategorie I (bis 14 Jahre) erspielte sich der 11-jährige Chinese Shihan Wang. Den 2. Preis gewann die 2002 in Massachusetts (USA) geborene Geigerin Hana Chang. Ebenfalls aus den USA kommt die 3. Preisträgerin, die 13-jährige Violinistin Marley Erickson. Read More →

Ivan Fischer
Photo: Marco Borggreve

Ivan Fischer und der gestern verstorbene  Zoltan Kocis haben zusammen das ‘Budapest Festival Orchestra’ gegründet. Und später haben sie sich getrennt. Warum, das erklärte Ivan Fischer einmal in einem Pizzicato-Interview. Read More →

Jan Lisiecki, Robert Trevino
(c) Christophe Grémiot

The American conductor Robert Trevino, 32, a native from Fort Worth, Texas, will be the new Music Director of the Euskadi Symphony Orchestra in San Sebastian from the Season 2017/2018. His initial contract runs through the 2019/2020 season. He will succeed Jun Märkl whose contract will end in June 2017. Märkl began his tenure in 2014.

Die Deutsche Orchestervereinigung beobachtet mit Sorge die Lage der Beschäftigten am Theater Trier und ermahnt in einem Offenen Brief die politisch Verantwortlichen « zukunfstfeste Lösungen » für eine gesicherte Zukunft des Hauses zu finden. Read More →

The European Union Youth Orchestra is said to transfer its headquarters to Grafenegg in Austria, where Pianist Rudolf Buchbinder runs a successful music festival that has become in recent years already a partner of the orchestra. During the presentation conference of the festival’s program 2017, the Provincial Governor of Niederösterreich (Lower Austria), Erwin Pröll, said, he wanted the festival to acquire a distinctive European character and become the future home for the European Youth Orchestra. Read More →

Zoltan Kocsis

Hungarian pianist and conductor Zoltan Kocsis died last yesterday afternoon, aged 64. Already last month, the Hungarian National Philharmoinic, whoise Music Director Kocis was, announced that he was suffering from poor health. He had cancelled most of his concerts to rest and recuperate. Read More →

Anna Netrebko
(c) Werner/Tsui

Austrian-Russian opera singer Anna Netrebko prepares herself for an after-singer career. She has created a design for a limited edition tea set named ‘Aida’ for the Imperial Porcelain Factory St. Petersburg. The set will be presented in December in Vienna. It is designed for six people and includes tea bowl, sugar bowl, milk jug and six cups and saucers. All products are made according to the sketches, personally created by artist.

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