Die Erforschung der zweitgrößten Richard-Wagner-Sammlung der Welt, der so genannten ‘Oesterlein’-Sammlung in der Eisenacher Reuter-Villa am Fuße der Wartburg ist bis 2019 finanziell abgesichert: Die Volkswagen-Stiftung bewilligte eine Förderung in Höhe von 400.000 Euro. Read More →
Laut Informationen des SRF muss der Trägerverein der ‘Oper Schenkenberg’ aus Schinznach-Dorf (Kanton Aarau) Konkurs anmelden. Die Aufführungen’ der Freiluftoper ‘Rigoletto’ im Sommer habe ein großes Defizit verursacht. Read More →
British violinist Nigel Kennedy, 59, is considering leaving Britain for Germany, he told Sky News. He might settle in Berlin because he does no longer want to live in a « fascist » and « racist » country. He also used another word for Brexit, replacing the ‘x’ by two other letters…
The ICMA nomination list for 2017 is available. For the 2017 awards the Jury of the International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) has nominated 321 audio and video productions (down from 364 in 2016) from 119 labels (up from 115 in 2016). Click to go to lists sorted by labels or categories. Read More →
The St. Louis Symphony announced an excellent operating revenue for fiscal 2016, ended Aug. 31. That revenue rose to $28.4 million, up from $26.6 million in fiscal 2015. With operating expenses of $28.1 million the orchestra has a more or less balanced budget for the first time in this century. Ticket sales for the 2015-16 season grow by 4 percent from the prior season.
Der Carl Bechstein Wettbewerb gab seine Gewinner für 2016 bekannt. Das sind in der Altersgruppe 1 (bis 10 Jahre): Read More →
The Montclair Orchestra has selected David Chan as its first Music Director, to lead the orchestra in its 2017-2018 inaugural season. The search process began in August, with nearly one hundred candidates from all across the globe applying to lead the development of the new ensemble. The Montclair Orchestra was established in 2016 to provide orchestral music to Montclair, New Jersey and the surrounding communities. Read More →
The 93-years-old conductor Stanislaw Skrowaczewski suffered a stroke Sunday and is recovering after surgery, it was announced Tuesday by the Minnesota Orchestra. He is in stable condition. Born in Lwow, Poland, Stanislaw Skrowaczewski lives today in the United States.
After a strike of already 7 weeks, the Pittsburgh Symphony canceled three more weeks of concerts through Dec. 5.
Das Urteil des Kammergerichts vom 14. November in welchem der GEMA verboten wird, Musikverleger an den Einnahmen zu beteiligen wird von der als falsch angesehen. In einer Stellungnahme heißt es: Read More →