Semyon Bychkov
(c) Sheila Rock

Über einen Rekordbesuch beim Sommernachtskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker in Schönbrunn freuen sich die Veranstalter. 102.000 Zuschauer hörten sich das rein französische Programm der Wiener Philharmoniker unter Semjon Bychkov an. Solistinnen sind die Pianistinnen Katia und Marielle Labèque. Read More →

Daniele Gatti
Photo: Marco dos Santos

Conductor Daniele Gatti, who has been one of the MCO’s Artistic Partners since 2015, has been appointed the orchestra’s Artistic Advisor. In this new role, Daniele Gatti will work with Mahler Chamber Orchestra musicians to shape the orchestra’s artistic profile, as well as develop projects and programmes that will be performed several times throughout each season. Read More →

Christian Thielemann
(c) Deutsche Grammophon

Anna Netrebko und Piotr Beczala debütierten in Dresden als Elsa und Lohengrin. Pizzicato-Mitarbeiter Alain Steffen ist begeistert. Read More →

After the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande cancelled several commissions and a residency with him, Swiss composer Richard Dubugnon is suing the orchestra. A curious succession of general managers is at the origin of the situation. The residence included a creation for the centenary in 2018, a CD, a work for young audiences, conferences and meetings in the music schools. It was announced in concert programs and a seasonal brochure of the OSR. The cancellation, a year and a half in advance, « is a big loss for me », says the composer. As it was reported, Dubugnon’s publisher Peters sent the orchestra two letters to find an arrangement. They were unsuccessful. Now the Court will have to state.

Seriji Ozawa
Photo: CAMI

The conductor Seiji Ozawa has cancelled his concerts with the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood Festival this summer because of a “lack of physical strength.” The 80-year-old conductor said in a statement that he was disappointed not to be coming to Tanglewood, where he studied as a young man, conducted the BSO during his 29 seasons as music director and where a concert hall  has his name. Read More →

Suntory Hall

Throughout the 30th anniversary season, world-renowned musicians have talked to the cameras about why they like performing at Tokyo’s Suntory Hall, what they find special about its acoustics and about their fondest memories of performing there. Read More →

After several cases of sex abuse in various schools in Paris, a report of the General Inspectorate recommends the limitation of individual courses, notably in Conservatories, to avoid situations presenting a risk of sexual abuse on minors. The text has upset the teachers who do not want to be collectively considered as potential paedophiles. The teachers associations are ready to fight for maintaining individual courses which, according to them, are essential for music teaching. Meanwhile the administration of the Mayor Anne Hidalgo communicated that the city does not at all have the intention to abolish the individual courses.

Canadian pianist is the successor of Maria João Pires at the Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth in Brussels. He becomes the new Master for Piano teaching at the Belgian breeding ground for special talents.

Dimitrij Kitajenko
Photo: Gerd Mothes

The Budapest Festival Orchestra is shortening its 2016/17 season in order to survive after heavy cuts made by the General Assembly of Budapest to their funding. So, a series of concerts planned for October 2016 (conductor: Dmitrij Kitajenko, with pianist Lilya Zilberstein) has been withdrawn from the season.

Manfred Honeck
(c) Jason Cohn

Pizzicato-Mitarbeiter Alain Steffen hat Konzerte bei den Dresdner Musikfestspielen besucht. Hier ist sein Bericht. Read More →

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