Auf dem Platz, wo am 17. Dezember 1770 Ludwig van Beethoven getauft wurde, befinden sich heute ein Kiosk und eine öffentliche Toilettenanlage. Das muss sich nach Auffassung der Vereinigung ‘Bürger für Beethoven’ bald ändern. Read More →
Jane Little, 87, a bass player of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra lost consciousness on stage during a performance on Sunday, May 15. Though emergency responders and a medically-trained chorus member briefly revived Little, she was transported to a Hospital where she later passed away. Read More →
« Ihr spielt die Musik! » – unter diesem Motto hatte das Deutsche Symphonie-Orchester (DSO) für den Pfingstmontag in einem Einkaufszentrum in Berlin zu einem Flashmob-Konzert eingeladen. Das Ergebnis war überwältigend: 50 Mitglieder des DSO trafen sich zusammen mit 950 Hobbymusikern, um zu musizieren. Dirigiert wurde der Event von Kent Nagano. Aufgeführt wurden bei dem Flashmob Stücke der Komponisten Bizet, Wagner und Verdi.
Russian media report that conductor Svjatoslav Luther (*1971) was found dead in his apartment. Found hanged in a room, he is believed to have committed suicide. He left a letter for his family in which he apparently says that he doesn’t blame anybody for his death. Luther has been conductor of the State Symphony orchestra of St. Petersburg since 1998.
Überwiegend schlechte Kritiken bekam Cecilia Bartoli für ihr Rollendebüt als Maria in Bernsteins ‘West Side Story’ bei den Salzburger Pfingstfestspielen. Die bald fünfzigjährige Sängerin ließ sich als alte Maria retrospektiv in die Handlung einbauen, in der Michelle Ventimiglia auf der Bühne agierte, während die Bartoli als ihr musikalischer Schatten sang. Das haben viele Kritiker « als störend » empfunden in einer Aufführung, die ansonsten viel Lob erntete. Read More →
When Paata Burchuladze announced in fall 2015 that he would stop singing and form a Foundation, many believed this organization could turn into a political party. It’s just what happened. Burchuladze announced now that he will run in the parliamentary elections in his native Georgia on 8 October with his State for the People Party. Read More →
Russian media closely watch cultural activities in Ukraine. So, they report about French Ambassador to Ukraine, Isabelle Dumont, playing cello in the Kharkiv Regional Philharmonic. The concert in which she participated featured works by French composers Camille Saint-Saëns and Hector Berlioz. Isabelle Dumont, who is said to have considered professionalism at a certain moment, is engaged in music since her childhood.
15-year-old Daniel Lozakovitj (Sweden), has been awarded First Prize at the first Vladimir Spivakov International Violin Competition, in Ufa, Russia. Second Prize is shared by 23 year old Agnes Langer, from Hungary and 26 year old Mai Suzuki, from Japan. Read More →
23 year old Ji-Won Song, from South Korea has been awarded First Prize as well as the Audience Prize at the 2016 9th Leopold Mozart International Violin Competition, in Augsburg, Germany. 2nd and 3rd prizes were awarded to 16 year old Ziyu He, from China and 23 year old Jae Hyeong Lee, from South Korea.