The BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Contemporary Music category goes in this eighth edition to Greek composer Georges Aperghis (*1945) « for his reinvention of music theatre using sounds, gestures, space and technology, and involving performers in the compositional process ». Read More →
Die Findungskommission, die den Nachfolger für den Intendanten der Stuttgarter Oper benennen soll hat sich für Viktor Schoner entschieden und diesen dem Verwaltungsrat vorgeschlagen. Schoner ist zurzeit Künstlerischer Betriebsdirektor der Bayerischen Staatsoper München. Zuvor arbeitete er für die Salzburger Festspiele und die Ruhr-Trienale.
Sad news are coming from Long Island/New York: The Long Island Philharmonic announced that it will close effective immediately. The orchestra ceases operations after 36 years of musical success. Yet, the last five years it was financially in serious difficulties.
Für das ‘NDR Sinfonieorchester’ beginnt im Januar 2017 eine neue Ära. Es zieht als Residenzorchester in die Elbphilharmonie ein – und ändert aus diesem Anlass seinen Namen in ‘NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester’. Der Name macht soll die Rolle als Residenzorchester des Konzerthauses deutlich machen, heißt es in einer Pressemitteilung. Read More →
The Danish National Chamber Orchestra, struggling with finances since the Danish Radio stopped paying for their activities, will be financed by Augustinus Foundation, Aage and Johanne Louis-Hansen Foundation and the AP Møller and Chastine McKinney Møller Foundation, which together have ensured the economic basis of the orchestra for three years, up to and including 2018. The orchestra will remain under the leadership of chief conductor Adam Fischer. A complete Beethoven cycle on CD is expected to be ready in the autumn of 2018.
Zum Nachfolger des verstorbenen Dirigenten Kurt Masur als Schirmherr des Internationalen Instrumentalwettbewerbes Markneukirchen haben die Organisatoren Christian Thielemann gewinnen können. Der nächste Wettbewerb findet vom 19.-28. Mai in den Fächern Horn und Tuba statt.
The Polar Music Prize 2016, worth 105.000 Euros (SEK 1 million), is awarded to mezzo-soprano Cecilia Bartoli. The Jury says: « With a vocal range of three octaves and a unique ability to live a role with fullness of expression, Cecilia Bartoli has developed song as an art form. Read More →
Peter Oundjian (60) has announced that he will not renew his contract as Music Director of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra after 2017-18. He is at this post since 2004. Oundjian is also principal conductor of the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Yale Philharmonia.
The Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris has announced that General Manager director Jean-Luc Choplin will leave the institution in April 2017, when the theatre will close for renovation. He has been appointed in 2004 by the Mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe. The Châtelet will enter a long period of work from April 2017 until 2019.